Recent IKYTA Articles

The Past, Present and Future of 3HO IKYTA
Written in July 1999 by Nam Kaur Khalsa, the original Executive Director of IKYTA. In 1992 I began meeting with teachers from around the world at Solstices and KWTC to find out what they were doing, and what type of support they needed from 3HO for their Kundalini Yoga classes. Out of that grassroots beginning came a rudimentary newsletter (no graphics, just text), ‘Teacher Enhancement Workshops’ at Solstices, and the beginning of a database of Kundalini Yoga teachers. By 1994 we were on our way, and on the 25th Anniversary of 3HO, Yogi Bhajan founded the 3HO International Kundalini Yoga…
Read: The Past, Present and Future of 3HO IKYTA