In Kundalini Yoga we always start a class or a personal practice with the Adi Mantra (Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo), chanting it three to five times. It is the first technology of a Kundalini Yoga student or teacher. Adi means the first or primal; mantra is the creative projection of the mind through sound.
The Practice
This mantra is the first creative action. It centers you into the Higher Self and reminds your lower mind that it is not your ego that will practice or teach Kundalini Yoga.
The Adi Mantra connects us to the Golden Chain—the chain of teachers—your teacher, her teacher, his teacher, and so on. The Golden Chain is the channel through which the energy, the wisdom and the protection of the tradition flow to you.
By chanting this mantra and linking to the Golden Chain, the exercises and meditations that you practice are guided by your higher consciousness and all the teachers that have brought this opportunity to you. It makes you very receptive and sensitive to the message of your body, mind, and intuition. It is used as a link when you teach and as preparation for your personal practice. The Golden Chain is the inner spark of kundalini that is passed from person to person; teacher to student; guru to teacher; cosmos and God to Guru.
Chanting the Adi Mantra and connecting to the Golden Chain is a meditation. It is a state of consciousness. It is the link between you as a finite personality and you as a flow of the Infinite Consciousness that guides the kundalini energy.
Yogi Bhajan on the Adi Mantra
“Anytime you want to manifest a link with spirituality, Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo is the link. You manifest Infinity through the Grace of Guru Ram Das when you chant this mantra. The guardian of the Aquarian Age is Guru Ram Das. When you have lack of faith or a similar thing, you can chant this mantra. This mantra can help you, with the grace of Guru Ram Das.
Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo is a call. It is a call which can penetrate through any maya and manifest God and Guru, the Supreme Consciousness. It is the voucher of the Divine Shakti, the kundalini.”
~as shared in the KRI Level 1 Aquarian Teacher Training manual.
Yogi Bhajan on the Golden Chain
“I brought the teachings to the western hemisphere, and I am very grateful to God that He kept me away from every ego, and I left the teachings original. Neither I added a word, nor I subtracted, nor I interpreted it. I kept the Golden Chain pure and it’s up to you to pick it up, practice it, and experience it.” ~March 27, 1997
“This system has no place for pollution, no place for perversion and no place for prejudice. It’s a Golden Chain, it’s a golden line. It shall stay pure. If you relate to its purity, it will make you pure. If you will dump your impurity on it, you will get busted. If you take an alloy of metals and heat it to a high temperature, all metals will burn up except gold. That’s the Sun energy. Kundalini Yoga is the pure line; we call it gold line, gold chain. It’s a gold link. We all are sitting here because of that link.”
~December 20, 1976
Posture: Sit comfortably in easy pose with a light neck lock.
Eyes: Focus your eyes on the tip of your nose.
Mudra: Place your hands in front of heart center, palms up, with the sides of your hands touching. Touch your index or Jupiter finger to your thumb to form Gyan Mudra, the mudra of wisdom.
Breath and Mantra: Chant the entire mantra three to five times on one breath.
Ong Namo, Guroo Dayv Namo
Guroo Davy Namo, Guroo Dayvaa
The sound “Dayv” is chanted a minor third higher than the other sounds and the sound “Dayvaa” is held slightly longer on the “aa” sound.
Listen to the mantra pronunciation here under Kundalini Yoga Mantra Pronunciations #17.

Chant for 11 to 31 minutes.
“Ong” is the creative energy of the cosmos and the consciousness of the Creator. It evokes energy, activity, and shakti—the generative force of life. Note that the sound is not “Om.” That sound is for withdrawal and relaxation.
“Namo” means to bow to or to call on. It evokes respect and receptivity. It is the type of bowing that grants dignity through acknowledging a higher consciousness and discipline.
“Ong Namo” calls on your consciousness to become subtle and receptive to its own higher resources. It instructs the conscious and the subconscious to let go of the restrictions imposed by the ego.
“Guru” means wisdom or teacher. It does not mean a personality, but the source of knowledge of the kind that transforms you, alleviates pain, and increases your awareness. The word can be broken into parts: “Gu” means darkness or ignorance; “Ru” means light or knowledge; so a “Guru” is something which can transform your “Gu” to “Ru”!
“Dev” means subtle, etheric, divine, or belonging to the realms of God. It implies sophistication and wisdom.
“Guru Dev Namo” calls on the subtle wisdom that guides you.
If the limited individual ego in which we normally live is a small pond, then “Ong Namo” releases us into a vast and endless ocean. “Guru Dev Namo” gives us the experience of the wisest seaman and their charts, to guide us to the many ports we are to serve and experience.
This meditation can be found in the Aquarian Teacher Training Manual Level 1 Yoga Manual.