In order to keep up with the times and truly live for each other, we must transcend our individual consciousness and expand into a collective and infinite consciousness.
This meditation includes Guru Gobind Singh’s bani (prayer) to invoke fearlessness and to remove obstacles so we, as a global community, may unite in radiance and truth.
The Practice
Posture: Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine. With your upper arms close to your sides, bring your hands to the level of the heart with the hands side-by-side and cupped (the way they are for receiving prasad).
Eyes: Eyes are one-tenth open and focused on the tip of the nose.
Focus: Allow all the blessings of heaven to flow to you; ask for whatever you need; know yourself to be blessed; feel the boundless flow of spirit. Just let it happen. Fill your heart and soul with all the bounties of nature. Simply meditate on the boundless flow of the Universal Soul, and feel a deep inflow of spirit.

The time is not specified. It is suggested to start with 3 to 11 minutes and work up to 31 minutes.