
Serving and Uplifting People with Depression

Akaal Care

Over the last 5-10 years, Rajveer Singh has seen a rise of suicides in his local community of Malaysia and Singapore. It has been so heartbreaking, that he felt an urgent need to reach out and help people. After COVID started in 2019, he saw even more people falling into depression. He spoke with local community leaders and heads of Gurudwara committees and began teaching workshops to help people overcome depression.

For the last 4 years, Rajveer Singh has been teaching these workshops in both Gurdwaras in Sikh communities, and at yoga centers. As part of these workshops, he brings an awareness of “Cold Depression”. He travels to teach in person workshops and online via Zoom.

Akaal Care is a program he started on Zoom which takes place every Monday. It includes chanting, Simran, breath and other techniques and inspiration to overcome depression and live in Chardi Kala (ever rising Spirit).

Rajveer Singh feels it is very important to share, inspire and listen to those going through personal challenges.

Rajveer is filled with gratitude and feels that everything he does and shares is by Grace of Guru Ram Das Ji.

Rajveer Singh Bio

Originally from Singapore, Rajveer Singh currently resides in Malaysia with his wife and son.

By the Grace of Guru Ram Das Ji,

Rajveer Singh Khalsa was powerfully inspired by Siri Singh Sahib, Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji from the time he was 19 years old.   Rajveer started taking classes at Yoga West in Los Angeles in 1995 and he would then visit and be with the Siri Singh Sahib every summer until Siri Singh Sahib Ji left his body in 2004.

Since that time, Rajveer Singh has taught Kundalini Yoga and meditation with enthusiasm throughout Southeast Asia, Australia and certain parts of the US.

In his younger years, Rajveer founded Yoga East in Singapore and taught there for 11 years In his parents’ home which was known as a house of Guru Ram Das Ji.

Along with his spiritual brother and wife, Rajveer Singh founded the Chayo Studio in Malaysia which served the community with Kundalini Yoga, Teacher Trainings and Sikh Dharma programs for about 13 years.

Rajveer Singh is the founder of Camp Miri Piri, a program for people of all ages which inspires warrior-saint values in the participants through practice, experience and theory. It is powerful, inspiring and joyful and brings together the best of Western and Eastern Sikh traditions and culture.

Rajveer teaches in person and online workshops to the Global Sangat on overcoming depression.

He is very grateful to Guru Ram Das Ji for everything Guru Ram Das Ji has provided as tools for teaching.

By Grace of Guru Ram Das Ji.

Personal Coaching with Rajveer Singh

Personal Coaching with Rajveer Singh Khalsa is like unleashing a power in your life that inspires you for transformation. 🌟

Unlock your power within.
Move from pain, self-doubt, personal conflict to clarity, strength and living from your true potential. 🌈

Yoga, techniques, meditation & powerful Inspiration. 🧘‍♂️

For Personal Coaching Sessions in person or a group on Zoom (Online) for global participation, contact: +6010 9240936 or email [email protected]. 🌍

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