White Tantric Yoga

“Since ancient times humans have found that they have zillions of thoughts, billions of feelings, millions of emotions, thousands of desires, hundreds of fantasies, and multi-realties, and personalities. Ultimately, our mind and thoughts rule and bog us down. We try every method available to get rid of this pressure because it is eating us up inside. White Tantric Yoga® enables you to break through those subconscious blocks, so you can enjoy life…This is the path to personal freedom and awareness, and will bring more success to every area of your life.” ~ Yogi Bhajan
The Benefits of White Tantric Yoga
White Tantric Yoga is an ancient group meditative practice that works on clearing out the deepest corridors of the subconscious mind. Our minds release 1000 thoughts per wink of an eye. Some of these thoughts get lost in the unconscious, and some get stuck in the subconscious and affect the conscious mind. These thoughts become feelings, emotions, desires, multi-realities or fantasies. Instead of mastering our mind, often our mind and thoughts direct us, which can cause impulsive decisions, poor communication and self-imposed stress.
White Tantric Yoga enables you to break through these subconscious blocks, so you can have a more enjoyable life. In the shortest time, you can experience release from a lot of the burden you carry in your mind.
When you see and act on each moment with clarity, you can gain a deeper understanding of your self and your life can change. Your mind, body and soul can act together as one.
“The Beauty of White Tantra Yoga is that it is subtle, it is exalting and it works to gives you the Mastery of Life.” ~ Yogi Bhajan

How White Tantric Yoga Works
Envision the energy of the universe as both parallel and perpendicular in nature, like a cloth woven together. As a cloth becomes stronger when it is stretched on the diagonal, so the White Tantric Yoga diagonal, or ‘Z’ energy is stronger. This energy, when directed by the Mahan Tantric, cuts through the blocks that are stuck in the subconscious mind.
Using the diagonal energy, the Mahan Tantric Yogi Bhajan, connects his subtle body to the subtle bodies of the participants through the course facilitator. This works the same way as a worldwide telephone system that relies on satellites and electromagnetic energy in order to connect two parties.
White Tantric Yoga should not be confused with black or red tantric. Those forms of yoga also transform energy, but in a different way and for different purposes. Black tantric directs the energy to manipulate another human being and red tantric directs the energy solely for sexual purposes.
White Tantric Yoga serves to raise one’s own consciousness and allow the experience of a universal totality of oneness within oneself and the world. It can remove the garbage from your subconscious mind, which blocks you from seeing your real self.
“What matters in life is that your projection carries your personality, character and spirit with a precision and penetration.” ~Yogi Bhajan
The practice of White Tantric Yoga, as with most sacred Eastern wisdom, had previously been a tradition passed on from teacher to student in a mystical and selective way. In 1970, the authority to be the Mahan Tantric, Master of White Tantric Yoga, was bestowed on Yogi Bhajan. As a pioneer of the Aquarian Age, Yogi Bhajan decided to open the experience of White Tantric Yoga to anyone who wanted to commit to the discipline. In 1970, for the first time in history, White Tantric Yoga was taught publicly in Los Angeles.
Until 1986, Yogi Bhajan traveled throughout the world presenting as many as thirty workshops each year to thousands of students. In 1987, using his unique abilities as Master, together with modern technology, he began to present White Tantric Yoga as a video-taped series. He said the videos would continue to have the same effect when he was no longer in his physical body. This has proven true, and in fact since his passing from his physical body in October 2004, thousands of students have confirmed that their Tantric experience is one of being in his presence.
“Subtly, calmly, quietly, peacefully call on the power within you and be successful. Excellence is your birthright; happiness is your birthright, and life is your birthright.” ~Yogi Bhajan
Who Can Participate
There are no prerequisites for participating in White Tantric Yoga. White Tantric Yoga is for beginners as well as experienced yogis. The power of the subconscious clearing works on all, and the group consciousness supports and uplifts each participant. Beginners will tune into their internal energies and enjoy a deep and sometimes challenging meditative experience. More advanced meditation practitioners will deepen their experience and make new inroads to their spiritual awareness. Each person’s experience of White Tantric Yoga® is different. Each gets what he or she needs at that point in their journey along the path.

How White Tantric is Performed
White Tantric Yoga is done in pairs, and as a group meditation. Participants sit facing a partner and follow instructions for meditation given on video by the Mahan Tantric, Yogi Bhajan. Participants often arrive with partners although many others find partners at the start of the workshop. Since White Tantric Yoga is neutral and not oriented sexually nor emotionally, it is not decisive whether you have a personal relationship with your partner.
A representative of the Mahan Tantric will be present to facilitate White Tantric Yoga. The original facilitators were chosen personally by Yogi Bhajan from members of his staff. Since his passing the Board Members of Humanology and Health Science, Inc., which manages White Tantric Yoga, have used the profile he created for choosing new facilitators. Currently all White Tantric Yoga facilitators have studied personally with Yogi Bhajan. The facilitator’s role is one of ensuring the methodology given by Yogi Bhajan is carried out, and helping participants maximize their experience.
Each workshop consists of between six and eight kriyas. A kriya is a meditation incorporating:
- a yoga posture (asana)
- a hand position (mudra)
- a breathing technique (pranayama)
- a mental focus and/or a mantra
Sometimes the kriyas are accompanied by music. Each White Tantric Yoga experience is unique. The kriya may be done silently or chanting aloud, eyes may be open, looking at the partner or closed, and each uses a variety of mudras and asanas.
These Kriyas vary in length up to sixty-two minutes. There are breaks in between each Kriya. The environment is peaceful, and the atmosphere is friendly, supportive, and uplifting. A vegetarian lunch is provided.

When and Where
One-day White Tantric Yoga courses are offered around the world throughout the year. 3HO’s Summer Solstice, Winter Solstice, and the European Yoga Festival are the only times that three-day White Tantric Yoga courses are offered.
Visit the White Tantric Yoga website for dates and locations of upcoming courses.
What to Bring and Wear
- Wear loose, comfortable, white clothing.
- Wear a white cotton head covering that completely covers the head and will stay on securely during exercises with movement.
- Bring a blanket or sheepskin to sit on and a light blanket to cover you during relaxation periods. A cushion to sit on is recommended for those with tighter hips.
- Bring a water bottle and healthful snacks. A vegetarian lunch is provided.