
Recent Aging Articles

spiritual names

Kriya for Keep Up Spirit

This is a kriya for joy, tranquility, peace, and the power to serve and uplift all those who need you.

Read: Kriya for Keep Up Spirit

Sa Ta Na Ma Kriya to Change the Spinal Fluid and Gray Matter of the Brain

This is a complete physical movement. Let the hands and navel dance as one. Do not practice this meditation for more than 11 minutes. After 5-7 minutes, it’s believed to change the spinal serum and gray matter of the brain. 

Read: Sa Ta Na Ma Kriya to Change the Spinal Fluid and Gray Matter of the Brain

Meditation to Clear Your Communication

This kriya is said to clear your communication so another person will be more able to hear what you say when you speak. It uses the mantra “Sat Nam,” the eternal sound. Chanting this mantra is said to give you Heaven and Earth in balance.

Read: Meditation to Clear Your Communication

Apana Kriya (Elimination Exercises)

This kriya works on the digestive system and the skin. Aging does not start just with years; it begins with nutritional deficiency, intestinal problems, untended emotional and physical stress, and an inflexible spine that disrupts the flow of meridians and the rejuvenating flow of your spinal fluid.

Read: Apana Kriya (Elimination Exercises)

Meditation for Finding Happiness and Peace Within

Peace and happiness can only be found within. Vibrate Ong at the center of the nose. This stimulates the brain. If it makes you cough, just allow it. It is said to be the sound of the conch, adjusting the thyroid and giving power, beauty, and youth.

Read: Meditation for Finding Happiness and Peace Within

Basic Spinal Energy Series

In Kundalini Yoga it is often said that age is measured by the flexibility of the spine: to stay young, stay flexible. This series works systematically from the base of the spine to the top. All 26 vertebrae receive stimulation and all the chakras receive a burst of energy.

Read: Basic Spinal Energy Series

Aerobic Capacity & Efficiency Kriya

Disease develops when the body gets less oxygen, eliminates less waste, and the brain, organs, and glands decrease their functioning. This kriya helps to prevent that breakdown, and maintains your vital capacity as you age.

Read: Aerobic Capacity & Efficiency Kriya

Kriya for the Magnetic Field and Heart Center

This set will balance the blood and works on coordination and repair of the nervous system by stimulating the Heart Center.

Read: Kriya for the Magnetic Field and Heart Center

Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskara)

This is an excellent warm-up exercise before a kriya, and is beneficial as an exercise in its own right. It increases cardiac activity and circulation, stretches and bends the spine, massages the inner organs, aids the digestive system, exercises the lungs, and oxygenates the blood.

Read: Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskara)

Meditation for the Fifth Chakra

The Fifth Chakra represents the projective power of the word. It gives the power to hear and speak truth. This meditation heals your Throat Chakra so that it can function optimally.

Read: Meditation for the Fifth Chakra