
Recent Aura Articles

Pituitary Gland Series

It is said that when the pituitary gland is balanced through yoga and meditation, the body comes into harmony with the soul.

Read: Pituitary Gland Series

Meditation for Becoming a Channel to Uplift Others in the Aquarian Age

This is a quiet meditation on yourself as a channel to uplift others in the Aquarian Age. Flawed as we may be, we can still reach out to help another and deliver them to the awareness of the Infinite Truth of their being.  

Read: Meditation for Becoming a Channel to Uplift Others in the Aquarian Age

Meditation to Develop the Frontal Lobe and Hypothalamus

This 31-minute mantra meditation is to develop the frontal lobe and hypothalamus, which govern the executive functioning of the brain.

Read: Meditation to Develop the Frontal Lobe and Hypothalamus

Creating Magnetic Fields to Expand Your Inner Self

Sometimes the most difficult thing is to shift gears—from anger or frustration to something more productive, moving the energy from one chakra to another. This kriya can help with our capacity to make the shift.

Read: Creating Magnetic Fields to Expand Your Inner Self

3½ Cycle Laya Yoga Chant

This chant brings presence to your soul and destiny. It lets your activity serve your purpose, by connecting you with creativity and focusing your attention toward your true priorities. Strong actions combined with non-attachment make life a dance with much creativity and gratitude.

Read: 3½ Cycle Laya Yoga Chant

Seventh Body Meditation

The Seventh Body is the aura, the electromagnetic field that is generated by a human being that surrounds her up to nine feet in every direction. When your aura is weak, you seem vulnerable to everything that passes by or through you.

Read: Seventh Body Meditation

Apana Kriya (Elimination Exercises)

This kriya works on the digestive system and the skin. Aging does not start just with years; it begins with nutritional deficiency, intestinal problems, untended emotional and physical stress, and an inflexible spine that disrupts the flow of meridians and the rejuvenating flow of your spinal fluid.

Read: Apana Kriya (Elimination Exercises)

The Triple Mantra

The Triple Mantra is used to remove psychic and physical obstacles in one’s daily life. It is a mantra of protection and is said to cut through opposing vibrations, thoughts, words and actions.
Listening to or chanting the Triple Mantra works to strengthen your magnetic field and keep negativity away.

Read: The Triple Mantra

Creative Meditation of the Sublime Self

This meditation is said to make it intuitively possible to live up to your own potential and to tap the opportunities around you for a prosperous life.

Read: Creative Meditation of the Sublime Self

Meditation to Change Poverty into Prosperity

This meditation uses the 25th pauree of Japji, which is said to change poverty into prosperity. It works on the pranic body, the aura, and the radiant body, moving energy from the Earth to the Heavens.

Read: Meditation to Change Poverty into Prosperity