Recent Emotions Articles
Kundalini Yoga for balancing the Pineal, Pituitary and Hypothalamus
This Kundalini Yoga Set works on balancing the Pineal, Pituitary and Hypothalamus.
Long Deep Breathing
Long deep breathing is one of the most important foundational tools within the technology of Kundalini Yoga. This seemingly simple exercise promotes benefits across the physical, mental, and spiritual planes.
Kundalini Yoga for Detoxification
We process food, thoughts, and all forms of energy. When that flow is continuous and clear, we are steady and flexible. The trouble is that we accumulate more than we process. This set systematically moves the energy of the body and mind to keep you light and vitalized.
Hemisphere Adjustment and Subconscious Memory Elimination
This is an active and dynamic set intended to coordinate the efforts and activities of the left and right brain.
Meditation to Act, Don’t React
If you choose to work with the Meditation to Act, Don’t React for 11 minutes a day, very soon you may find yourself a changed person.
Kriya to Relax and Release Fear
This kriya helps you relax. When you are relaxed, you can access the neutral mind, and assess your situation without fear or other reactive emotions. It is cleansing and uplifting.
Kriya for Mood and Metabolism Balance
This kriya helps to bring you to neutrality and is said to prevent depression. It works on the nervous system, negative thinking, emotional moods, and metabolism.
Meditation for a Stable Self
This meditation works to remove our knee-jerk fear reactions and make us steady.
The Miracle Bend
The Miracle Bend doesn’t bend the human being; it bends the negativity in the human being. It adjusts the Navel Point and can bring an emotional and angry person to calm in a very short time. You may find there will be an automatic tendency to shake while in the posture. Simply let the energy move as it will and continue with the practice.
Open Lotus Heart Meditation
When the Heart Center is strong and open, old wounds can heal and defenses begin to drop away. We are most aligned with our real Self when we have the strength to stay open and connected.