
Recent Energize Articles

Segmented Breath

Segmented breath is breath that is divided into several equal parts, stimulating the central brain and glandular system. With each division of the breath, we suspend the breath.

Read: Segmented Breath
Yogic Living December

Nostril Breathing

Learn about how the simple technique of Left, Right, or Alternate Nostril breathing can be used to energize, calm yourself, or create a deep sense of well-being and harmony.

Read: Nostril Breathing

Basic Breath Series

The basic breath series is a series of pranayama techniques that gives you a quick lift in energy, increased clarity, and a sense of balance.

Read: Basic Breath Series

Developing Self Rhythm

This 3-part meditation helps the body recover from fatigue and regulate the energy through the breath. With practice it develops a “self-rhythm,” in which the two hemispheres of the brain cross-relate and quell the wavering mind. 

Read: Developing Self Rhythm

Develop Your Pranic Energy

This is a powerful exercise to develop your pranic energy and remove tension. It is a 5 minute meditation at most.

Read: Develop Your Pranic Energy

Meditation to Keep Up with our Children

This meditation is to help us keep up with our children, and to help us handle the more sensitive brain activity needed for the coming era.

Read: Meditation to Keep Up with our Children

The Caliber of Life Meditation to Totally Recharge You

This meditation is intended to improve your capacity to project your identity and reach excellence in life. It was originally said to conquer depression and discouragement, and to build tremendous strength in the nervous system.

Read: The Caliber of Life Meditation to Totally Recharge You

Shakti and Shakta One Heart Meditation for Couples

This powerful couple’s meditation is meant to elevate awareness and the capacity to see the sacred in the other. It is generally invigorating, energizing, and intended for strength and endurance.

Read: Shakti and Shakta One Heart Meditation for Couples

Meditation on Woman as the Ashtabhuja

A guided visualization meditation on the image of the eight-armed ashtabhuja, the omniscient and omni-powerful woman to whom the Creator itself bows. 

Read: Meditation on Woman as the Ashtabhuja

Experiencing the Original You

This kriya gives depth, strength, and helps awaken the Original Self. “Awakening the Law of Intelligence in the Original Self: If you are in a demanding situation where you have to come up with a solution, control your breath by inhaling 20 seconds, holding 20 seconds, and exhaling 20 seconds. The answer you need will come to you.  I want to give you that depth and that strength which is yours… the original you”. –Yogi Bhajan April 7, 1993

Read: Experiencing the Original You