

Recent Relaxation Articles

The Brain Doctor

This kriya is a brain doctor. It patches the two hemispheres together so you can both sense and project who you really are.

Read: The Brain Doctor

Long Deep Breathing

Long deep breathing is one of the most important foundational tools within the technology of Kundalini Yoga. This seemingly simple exercise promotes benefits across the physical, mental, and spiritual planes.

Read: Long Deep Breathing

Kundalini Yoga for Relaxation

Happiness comes from relaxation. When you realize you are part of the Infinite Universe, then you can relax and much of your tension will go.

Read: Kundalini Yoga for Relaxation

Develop Your Pranic Energy

This is a powerful exercise to develop your pranic energy and remove tension. It is a 5 minute meditation at most.

Read: Develop Your Pranic Energy

Meditation for Spiritual Stamina

There are times when we will be the rock for another, and times when we need the support of others to collectively carry the weight. That is why we build spiritual endurance through meditation and mantra.

Read: Meditation for Spiritual Stamina

Meditation to Change Your Destiny

This meditation brings deep relaxation, strength, and mental clarity. Also called “soul talk,” it is said to bring the experience of the soul on the spot.

Read: Meditation to Change Your Destiny

Kriya for Metabolism and Relaxation

This easy exercise series helps to release nervous tension. Deep relaxation is a must for physical and mental health.

Read: Kriya for Metabolism and Relaxation
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Kriya to Relax and Release Fear

This kriya helps you relax. When you are relaxed, you can access the neutral mind, and assess your situation without fear or other reactive emotions. It is cleansing and uplifting.

Read: Kriya to Relax and Release Fear

Kriya for Achieving Comfortable, Happy Sleep

This set works to stimulate the navel point area so that we can experience “Sukh Nidra,” which is comfortable happy sleep

Read: Kriya for Achieving Comfortable, Happy Sleep
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Meditation to Tranquilize the Mind

This meditation can bring tranquility to the mind in a very short time. The hand position is called “the mudra which pleases the mind.” Supposedly, Buddha gave it to his disciples for control of the mind.

Read: Meditation to Tranquilize the Mind