Sexual Energy

Recent Sexual Energy Articles

Keeping the Body Beautiful

This kriya, which contains a slight variation of the standard Frog Pose, is very powerful. You must keep the chin locked in. It re-adjusts the sex energy and the balance of prana and apana. It is good for digestion and brings circulation to the head. If done with powerful breaths, it will make you sweat quickly.

Read: Keeping the Body Beautiful

Sat Kriya

Sat Kriya strengthens the entire sexual system and stimulates its natural flow of energy. It allows you to control the insistent sexual impulse by re-channelizing sexual energy to creative and healing activities in the body.

Read: Sat Kriya

Kriya for Self-Reliance

Self-reliance will vanish all fear. Fear comes when you are dependent on anything other than your own inner wisdom and higher self. If your self-reliance is strong, you are protected.

Read: Kriya for Self-Reliance

Stretch Pose

In conjunction with Breath of Fire, Stretch Pose is calming, rejuvenating, and it purifies the blood. By working on the third chakra, it boosts resolve and self-esteem.

Read: Stretch Pose

Foundation for Infinity

To reach the subtle realm of ether where we are by nature boundless, we must first set a firm foundation on the Earth. Practicing this kriya is a means of setting that foundation. Then the meditation launches you into the realms of Infinity.

Read: Foundation for Infinity

Kriya for Elevation

This easy set of exercises is excellent as a tune-up. It systematically exercises the spine and aids in the circulation of prana to balance the chakras.

Read: Kriya for Elevation

Meditation on the Self

In this simple series, you raise the kundalini energy enough to purify and calm the mind. Then you direct the mind in meditation to become aware of your identity and how you have guided it. You use the mind for self-observation, not just fantasy.

Read: Meditation on the Self

The Navel Center and Elimination

This kriya works out the entire elimination system. In our modern life style, we seldom walk or exercise the body enough to promote good elimination through the bowels.

Read: The Navel Center and Elimination