Virtual Summer Solstice 2023

For those of you that cannot be with us in person, but want your dose of Summer Solstice magic: 

Join us for our live streamed Solstice program! 

We invite you to register for our live stream from the High Desert Jemez Mountains in beautiful northern New Mexico. 

Join us for morning classes from Friday afternoon, June 16th until Tuesday afternoon on June 21st. Participate in morning sadhana, evening kirtan, and daily programs from wherever you are in the world. We will also stream our featured 21 Stages of Meditation, Journey 1: The Crystallized Self. 

Whether you want to dive deep into meditation practice for the chance to cleanse and renew, or to connect with the community through morning sadhana and evening kirtan, we invite you to join us for your dose of Summer Solstice medicine. 

Register Here 

Opening Ceremony, Morning Sadhana, Gurdwara, International Peace Prayer Day and Evening Music will be offered as a free livestream on
3HO International’s Facebook Page and 3HO International’s Youtube Channel!


Your virtual ticket includes the following schedule of classes: 

*note: all classes will be recorded for live or later viewing! 

Thursday, June 15th
7pm Mountain Time
Opening Evening Concert with Dr. Japa Khalsa and Vedya Amrita


Friday, June 16th
10:15am – 11:45am Mountain Time
“Embodying the Heart of the Student Teacher Experience” with Ravi Prem and Vedya Amrita

We will explore the experience of the Teacher-Student Relationship and how to honor the journey of the student, create healthy boundaries, and set a sacred space between Students & Teachers.

Vedya Amrita Bethel is a KRI Certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Professional, Aquarian Trainer, Master Colon Therapist, Ayurvedic Counselor, and Counseling Hypnotist. She owns Glowing House, Inc, a wellness experience specializing in guiding individuals to eliminate blocks in their Mind, Body, & Soul to create balance and flow for a healthy, happy, authentic life. Vedya Amrita is curious to explore various approaches to living a joyous, liberated life while nurturing students to unleash their own powerful, effervescent, and graceful nature. She is a compassionate, open-hearted, neutral, and easy-going teacher who creates a beautiful space for transformation and healing.

Ravi Prem Kaur (Chile) has practiced KY for 20 years and is a KRI Certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher, specialized in Conscious Gestation and trained as a Karam Kriya Consultant. Studied psychology and have been in clinical and forensic practice since 2003, passionate for healing and self – knowledge processes, currently using the Compassionate Focus Therapy model. At this moment serves in the Board of National Teachers Association of Chile, and also in the Global Ethics Commission of the EPS and works in KRI as Trainer Forums Coordinator.


Saturday, June 17th
10:15am – 11:45am Mountain Time
“Bringing Joy to All” with Krishna Kaur

This class will focus on bringing joy to all of us. It will include a fun Kundalini Yoga kriya and a nice deep meditation that will uplift us all. Don’t Miss it. I Hope to see you there.

Krishna Kaur, a dynamic, heart centered Kundalini Yoga teacher. She began studying and teaching Kundalini Yoga with Yogi Bhajan in 1970 and has passionately taught the art and science of Kundalini Yoga and Self Awareness since then. She brings a wealth of knowledge and experience from her teachings throughout the US, Africa, Mexico, China, Europe, South America, Russia and inner cities throughout the United States. Under the business name of 10th Gate Yoga, Krishna Kaur opened the first yoga center in South Central Los Angeles in the early 70’s. Today, Krishna continues to train yoga teachers, conduct workshops on and off line. Still training both Level I and II KRI Teacher Training Certification courses, Krishna vigorously maintains her own personal practice. From her determination to serve and uplift our youth, particularly those in marginalized communities, she founded Y.O.G.A. for Youth, a non-profit organization almost 20 years ago, which has spread its wings to many countries around the world. Y.O.G.A. for youth focuses on our youth who are at-risk of not fulfilling their potential to be meaningful contributing members in their communities. Blessings to all, and Happy Solstice! Sat Nam.

International Peace Prayer Day
2:40-4:10 MT

Join us for a day full of kriyas, inspiration and a beautiful art project of prayer flags for inspiration as we launch our ceremonies and circle processes for the Summer Solstice Festival. 3HO is grateful to host Vandee Crane, Pavandeep Kaur from the Rise in Love Foundation as our Keynote Speaker for International Peace Prayer Day on June 17th. Vandee teaches decolonized yoga and brings Kundalini Yoga and healing to the Lakota Nation and Pine Ridge Reservation. This year she is a recipient of the Kundalini Beyond Borders grant.

Peace Prayer Day is an annual event, please join us online for the first Virtual Peace Prayer Day and bring your friends to gather in inspiration, prayer and ceremony for the afternoon. Vandee will be joined by Krishna Kaur, Dr. Japa, Guru Singh, Harnam Singh and friends as we pray for peace and bring in a festival of healing and light for this world.


Sunday, June 18th
10:15am – 11:45am Mountain Time
“Coming home to YOU” with Sat Siri and music by Jai Chand & Hargo

Gather as a global community and elevate in truth and compassion through kriya & meditation. This class is about returning home to you, trusting yourself, and knowing that your peace comes from within. These specific guided practices work fast to help you thrive, rather than just survive, amidst the turbulent times of daily living.  Become a stronger person in the face of your life challenges through knowing and tapping into your inner depths.

“Remember what you are and let this knowing take you home to the Beloved with every breath.

Hold tenderly who you are and let a deeper knowing colour the shape of your humanness.”-The Call, by Oriah

SatSiri, a former Ballerina with The Australian Ballet, lived out her dream dancing nationally in Australia, and Internationally for 10 years.

She opened Australia’s first Kundalini Yoga and Meditation studio, which she ran for 4 years, then moved to Los Angeles to begin training teachers. She loved training Teachers from the beginning, sharing her experience and wisdom with new teachers was instantly satisfying. 

She has been teaching Kundalini Yoga and Training new teachers now for 20 years.

SatSiri’s most recent passion is coaching women:

“Witnessing women come home to themselves, enjoy being in their bodies again, rise up from their past pain, is an embodiment I have worked very hard at becoming masterful at. Giving women the tools to handle the stresses of life, through humor, deep nourishing self-practices, really being with them, while witnessing them trust themselves once again is both my blessing and my gift.”


Monday, June 19th & Tuesday, June 20th (both days, same time)
9:00am – 11:45am Mountain Time
21 Stages of Meditation : The Crystallized Self

The First Journey is about the Crystallized Self. You can confront and overcome blocks that are encountered during the first stages of meditation. This stage involves feeling our way through the meditative journey of what “stops” us from meditation; frustration, being upset, boredom, etc. Learn how to bring your focus back when thoughts and emotions distract you from realizing your Essential Self.

2:40pm – 5:45pm Mountain Time
21 Stages of Meditation: The Crystallized Self

The First Journey is about the Crystallized Self. You can confront and overcome blocks that are encountered during the first stages of meditation. This stage involves feeling our way through the meditative journey of what “stops” us from meditation; frustration, being upset, boredom, etc. Learn how to bring your focus back when thoughts and emotions distract you from realizing your Essential Self.


Wednesday, June 21st, 2023
9:00am – 10:30am Mountain Time
Special Solstice Day Class with Guru Singh

Kundalini is the science of consciously living with cosmic awareness. Let’s get real in a world gone off the rails of reality! We are the revolutionaries who will lead this consciousness movement to rise up to meet these challenging times. 

We are the community that leads the way forward, the new work, the new way we all know is possible. Inspirational teacher and yogi Guru Singh will guide us through kriya, wisdom talks and deep meditation to integrate the entire Solstice experience.

Guru Singh is a celebrated third-generation yogi, teacher, author, artist and musician. He demonstrates and educates conscious awareness for intentional living through the tools of Kundalini yoga, meditation, journaling and sacred sound. He spreads this ancient and modern science with passion and a practical fusion of Eastern mysticism and Western pragmatism. Guru Singh’s books, music, and courses uplift tens of thousands worldwide.



As part of our commitment to equity and inclusion, we’re offering Sliding Scale pricing for this event. 

  • $75 Standard Pricing is the true cost
  • $55 Community Support Pricing is for those facing financial hardship
  • $108 Pay it Forward helps cover others and support our mission for equity and inclusion

There is no application for each tier. Pay what works for you.  

What are you waiting for? Get Your Tickets!



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