
10 Rights of a Kundalini Yoga Student

Envisioning ethical guidelines for Kundalini Yoga communities everywhere, Kundalini Yoga Teachers from around the world collaborated with the Office of Ethics and Professional Standards* (EPS) to develop the 10 Rights of a Kundalini Yoga Student in 2019.

Click here for translations in 21 languages.

  1. To have a safe, clean and welcoming class environment.
  2. To be treated with kindness, respect and honesty.
  3. To be treated equally with other students, without discrimination.
  4. To freely choose where, and with whom, you study Kundalini Yoga.
  5. To receive the teachings of Kundalini Yoga.
  6. To practice Kundalini Yoga and Meditation at your level of comfort, capacity and self-care while respecting the needs of others.
  7. To have a Student-Teacher relationship that is professional, respectful and graceful.
  8. To practice Kundalini Yoga free of personal, sexual, financial, religious or political pressure from your Teacher.
  9. To respectfully ask questions or raise issues of concern or complaint, openly or anonymously, and receive honest answers and fair consideration without fear of ridicule or retaliation.
  10. To enjoy your Kundalini Yoga journey!

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*The mission of EPS is to nurture and strengthen a culture of ethical behavior and integrity within our Kundalini Yoga and Dharmic communities, where commitment to non-harm ensures all voices are heeded, all individuals are treated with respect, and all hold accountability for their actions.


For more information on the updated and expanded Code of Ethics for Teachers and Trainers of Kundalini Yoga, please click here.

3HO International

3HO International

3HO is a nonprofit with a mission to inspire everyone everywhere to realize their full potential through the uplifting experience of Kundalini Yoga.


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