Venus Kriyas!

Venus Kriyas are short, potent Kundalini Yoga practices that are done with a partner. The partners do not need to be romantic in nature, though they can be. Venus Kriyas engage the male and female polarity, but this does not mean partners need to be of the opposite sex. The only true requirement is the pure intention of both people involved. 

What are Venus Kriyas?

Venus Kriyas are short, potent Kundalini Yoga practices that are done with a partner. The partners do not need to be romantic in nature, though they can be. Venus Kriyas engage the male and female polarity, but this does not mean partners need to be of the opposite sex. The only true requirement is the pure intention of both people involved.

In Sanskrit, the word tantra means “to weave.” A typical Kundalini practice is tantric in that it weaves the masculine and feminine energies within to awaken kundalini, for the experience of divine union. A Venus Kriya works toward the same end, intensifying the experience through the polarity of the partner interaction. Since the interplay of energies in Venus Kriyas demands a higher level of focus and self-mastery, they are not considered a beginner’s practice.

Venus Kriyas are to be practiced in the highest consciousness and with pure intent. They are tools to blend the polarity energies for spiritual growth. The focus remains at the heart, from which one projects love, caring, and a prayer for the highest good.

Partners may work with a Venus Kriya for 40, 90, or 120 consecutive days to refine a particular aspect of their relationship. Meditation quiets the limiting voice of the ego, allowing the neutral mind and heart to take center stage. With regular practice, Venus Kriyas can enhance trust and intimacy.

Finally, these practices expand the higher centers, and as such must never be used to manipulate or exploit the other. If possible, it’s recommended to practice a yoga set beforehand to set the sacred space.

Guidelines for Practice

  • Sit down, facing your partner.
  • Tune in with the Adi Mantra: Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo.
  • With your hands at the heart, look to your partner and bow to one another.
  • Clarify the intention: Venus Kriyas are practiced from a state of elevation, to uplift the relationships and the polarities to a high vibration.
  • Limit the exercise to 3 minutes, always. Only 1-2 Venus Kriyas should be practiced within a 1-hour period.
  • Upon completion of a Venus Kriya, put your palms together at the heart center, say “Sat Nam” (acknowledging the truth in each other), and thank your partner. Relax completely.

Guidelines for Teachers

  • You may include a Venus Kriya in class. Be sure to clarify the intention, and avoid if there are beginners in the room.
  • Use your judgment to assess when your students have the discipline to practice them. In Venus Kriyas, the energetic and sensory connections of the partners are used to elevate the sexual and sensory energy to a connection based on awareness, and the capacity to see the sacred in the other.
  • Do not organize students in lines as we do in White Tantric Yoga®. Two people can sit together, anywhere. If you line up, the energy is shared diagonally. That is not the intention of Venus Kriyas. The energy is only intended to be shared between partners.
  • Do not create an entire class using Venus Kriyas. Just use one or two alongside a traditional kriya.


Contraindications: Venus Kriyas are not to be practiced by beginners or when pregnant.


Index of Venus Kriyas:

One Unit Venus Kriya

Shiva Shakti Venus Kriya

Three-Part Venus Kriya

Venus Kriya to Get Rid of Grudges

Heart Lotus Venus Kriya

Venus Kriya: Seeing Yourself in Your Partner


3HO International

3HO International

3HO is a nonprofit with a mission to inspire everyone everywhere to realize their full potential through the uplifting experience of Kundalini Yoga.


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