This kriya, when practiced regularly, promotes deep, relaxed sleep and helps the nerves to regenerate. The best time to practice is every night before bed, but it can be practiced any time of the day.
The Practice
Posture: Sit in any comfortable posture with the spine straight. Place the hands in the lap, palms up with the right hand over the left. The thumbs are together and point forward.
Eyes: Focus the eyes on the tip of the nose, the eyelids 9/10 closed.
Breath & Mantra: Inhale in 4 equal parts, mentally vibrating the mantra Sa-Ta-Na-Ma. Hold the breath, vibrating the mantra 4 times for a total of 16 beats. Exhale in 2 equal strokes projecting mentally Wahe Guru.

Continue for 15 to 62 minutes.
This meditation was practiced for 31 minutes in a successful pilot sleep trial for chronic insomnia conducted by Sat Bir Singh Khalsa, Ph.D. at Harvard Medical School. For 20 participants completing the protocol, statistically significant improvements in sleep were observed. Learn more here.