Recent Articles (Page 4)

Summer Solstice 2022 Announcement

The staff and Board have looked deeply at the risks, considered community feedback from surveys, and also had multiple meetings to make a decision regarding holding a 2022 event at Ram Das Puri.

Read: Summer Solstice 2022 Announcement

2022 Events Calendar

Since the beginning, events have been the heart and soul of 3HO. They bring folks together from every corner of the globe to experience the camaraderie and profound transformation of doing yoga together, eating together, serving together, and so much more.

Read: 2022 Events Calendar

Social Justice Resources

As a predominantly white organization, 3HO acknowledges the culture of white privilege and implicit bias that has existed within our community.

Read: Social Justice Resources

2021 Online Event Calendar

Since we can’t host our events in person because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we’re offering lots of great events online.

Read: 2021 Online Event Calendar

3HO Releases 2020 Annual Report

We invite you to read more and connect with us in our 2020 Annual Report.

Read: 3HO Releases 2020 Annual Report

Kundalini Yoga’s Greatest Hits

If you start doing Kundalini Yoga, on your own or in a class or community space, sooner or later — probably sooner — you are going to encounter these 10 core practices of Kundalini Yoga.

Read: Kundalini Yoga’s Greatest Hits

Practice Tips for Newcomers from 3HO Staff

We asked our team what their advice would be to someone new to the kriyas, mantras, and meditations of Kundalini Yoga. We hope you find something helpful!

Read: Practice Tips for Newcomers from 3HO Staff

Practice Tips for Newcomers from 3HO Staff

We asked our team what their advice would be to someone new to the kriyas, mantras, and meditations of Kundalini Yoga. We hope you find something helpful!

Read: Practice Tips for Newcomers from 3HO Staff

Breath of Fire

Breath of Fire invigorates the brain, purifies the blood, and strengthens the nervous system. Regular practice expands the lung capacity and increases vital energy.

Read: Breath of Fire

Suspending the Breath

Holding the breath (or breath retention) might seem counterintuitive to bringing more life force into your body; but in fact, suspending the breath brings you into a state of more flow. 

Read: Suspending the Breath