Anya Poroshina's Posts

Anya Poroshina aka Siri Prem Kaur has been practicing Kundalini Yoga since 2007 and has studied with Shiv Charan Singh since 2008. She was born in Moscow and currently lives with her family in Portugal where she teaches Kundalini Yoga.

Anya Poroshina

Recent Articles

Making a Circle

As I become older, I feel more and more that I am not changing but coming back to how I really was when I was a child. I don’t mean that I am becoming a child. I mean I am coming back to the connection that I had with myself as a child—coming back to my own essence, my own being.

Read: Making a Circle

Infinite Love

When I was younger, I used to look to the outside for the feeling of fulfilment and love. Naively, I thought that I could only get this feeling of inner joy and happiness from the other person.

Read: Infinite Love

A Personal Experience of the Mul Mantra

When I was starting my practice of Kundalini Yoga in 2007, the Mul Mantra was one of the first mantras I heard. My initial reaction to it was that I didn’t understand it. It puzzled me. What does this mantra mean?

Read: A Personal Experience of the Mul Mantra