Guru Tera Kaur Khalsa's Posts
Guru Tera Kaur is the Editor for 3HO Foundation. She generates and organizes web content and manages the Yogic Living newsletter. Formerly an Assistant Editor for "Aquarian Times Magazine," she is a stickler for good old-fashioned grammar and spelling. She took her first Kundalini Yoga class at Humboldt State College in California in 1972. She helped establish the Salt Lake City, UT ashram and then became part of the KY community in Seattle, WA. She has been living at the Mother Ashram in Espanola, New Mexico since 1999 with her husband and cat.
Recent Articles

Sunflower Seed Sauce
Sunflower Seed Sauce is great on top of mixed steamed vegetables and basmati rice or as a hearty salad dressing.
Read: Sunflower Seed Sauce
Life in a Kundalini Yoga Ashram
In the 1970s, in Salt Lake City, Utah, when I was in my twenties, an ashram based on the technology of Kundalini Yoga was thriving. We practiced Kundalini Yoga, did morning sadhana, operated a cleaning business, and enthusiastically tried to ‘live for each other.’
Read: Life in a Kundalini Yoga Ashram
10 Great Reasons to Practice Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini Yoga is known as the Yoga of Awareness. It is the householder’s yoga—for people who are active in the world.
Read: 10 Great Reasons to Practice Kundalini Yoga