Shakta Kaur's Posts

Shakta Khalsa is one of the world’s leading experts on children and yoga, having worked with both since the mid-1970s. She is a trained yoga professional at the highest level (ERYT-500), and was named one of the top five Kundalini Yoga teachers in the world by Yoga Journal. She is the author of five well-known yoga books, including the classic Fly Like A Butterfly: Yoga for Children and Kundalini Yoga. Shakta’s two great loves—children and yoga—are the basis for her life work: Radiant Child® Yoga, an internationally-known training program for teaching children yoga and working with/raising children consciously.

Shakta Kaur

Recent Articles

Perfect Children’s Yoga

I receive many questions from people teaching yoga to children. One issue that comes up is what to do when a child becomes frustrated because she thinks she isn’t doing it ‘perfectly.’

Read: Perfect Children’s Yoga