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OngKar Khalsa

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3HO’s First Solstice Gathering

As shared by Livtar Singh Khalsa in the January 2007 Aquarian Times. The charge to attend the first 3HO sponsored Summer Solstice Celebration in 1970 was $5.00.  We were outraged!  How dare they charge money for a spiritual experience!  And so much! It was held at Santa Clara Canyon, some kind of alpine heaven between Espanola and Los Alamos, New Mexico. It had a clear mountain stream, meadows of long sweet grass, and tall, beautiful pine trees. “Wow,” I thought when I first saw it, “This is the kind of place to have an experience.” Little did I know. My…

Read: 3HO’s First Solstice Gathering

The Sky of Ram Das Puri

Take a walk down old Saint’s Road, The tents are flapping in the wind that blows, The children’s laughter tells you “you are home”, Feel the dust and breathe in deep, It has come from the saint’s feet, It will take your karmas away, Take you on to home, CHORUS The sky of Ram Das Puri Covers the saints in love, The land of Ram Das Puri The saints below and the stars up above, In the light of Ram Das Puri, Destiny comes clear, And every speck of dust carries an angel to us, Ram Das Puri, Ram Das…

Read: The Sky of Ram Das Puri

Into the Radiance

Livtar Singh speaks about his song “Into the Radiance”: I have been a new student. Sitting there wondering how it would ever be possible to get to where Yogiji is. I have been the teacher, sitting where Yogiji sits, with the new students in front of me wondering the same thing. I remember wanting Yogiji to just give us that “thing” that would take away the doubt, fear, pain, etc. of living in a physical form. And I see my students wanting this same “thing”. The “thing” is, he had already given us the “thing” — Kundalini Yoga, Sadhana, Naam, Bani,…

Read: Into the Radiance

Serving and Uplifting People through Breath and Meditation

Breathe Global After more than a dozen years of traveling to South America and China sharing the blessing of Guru Ram Das on his “Lord of Miracles” Tours, Gurubachan Singh created the “Breathe Global” organization to provide selfless service in honor of Guru Ram Das, to inspire, uplift and bless humanity.  The simple meditation and breathing techniques he shares help to invigorate the body and quiet the mind, so people can discover and experience their joy and vitality. The Breathe Tour has impacted thousands of souls including, police officers, health care professionals and prisioners. Also, it has been a huge…

Read: Serving and Uplifting People through Breath and Meditation

Inspiring People through Experiencing and Learning Shabad Guru

Naad Academy “Naad means “the essence of all sounds”. All languages contain sounds which relate to one or more of the five elements of air, fire, water, earth or ether. Gurbani is a perfect combination and permutation of sounds relating to all the five elements in complete balance. When Guru Arjan Dev, the fifth Guru Nanak, compiled the Siri Guru Granth Sahib, in 1604, he put in only those banis which were in Naad. These compositions are called Gurbani. There are eighty-four meridian points on the upper palate of a human’s mouth. One can feel that upper palate with the tongue and experience its different surfaces….

Read: Inspiring People through Experiencing and Learning Shabad Guru

Meditate – A Song by Guru Shabad Singh Khalsa

Meditate (This song was written by Guru Shabad Singh, based on the answer Yogi Bhajan gave when someone asked him to explain meditation). The body is just the body, the soul is just the soul… But the mind, isn’t just the mind For it can take you to, the Infinite Mind So sit with your mind, be still, turn thoughts away You will find the mind to be very comfortable Practice this, in time your mind will merge, with in the Infinite Mind Meditate on the Nam, recite the words of God Nectar flows from the Light, to the longing…

Read: Meditate – A Song by Guru Shabad Singh Khalsa

Kundalini Yoga – A Song by Guru Shabad Singh Khalsa

KUNDALINI YOGA Sitting in full lotus, hands up in the air Pumping at the navel, at the third eye stare Sweating out the toxins, master gland secretes The rhythm of the mantra, to the soul is sweet Satinam Satinam Satinam Ji, Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Ji True is the Name O my soul, Indescribable ecstasy O my soul Delve into the layers, of my mind Clearing out the patterns, that hold me behind In divine union, of body, soul and mind Finite becomes Infinite, God is what I find Disengaged mother, left us on our own Father lived…

Read: Kundalini Yoga – A Song by Guru Shabad Singh Khalsa

Serving and Educating Future Generations

Miri Piri Academy The Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan founded Miri Piri Academy in 1997. As he explained it, Miri Piri Academy is an educational institution committed to creating an environment that fosters mastery of the mind, elevation of the spirit, and gives the experience of the depth and power of the being. Through applying the lifestyle teachings of Sikh Dharma, the technology and science of Kundalini Yoga, and a rigorous academic program, we create a generation of Human beings who shall live as such and through their service, shape the destiny of this earth. Teaching Tomorrow’s Leaders Located in Amritsar, India MPA is an international…

Read: Serving and Educating Future Generations

Serving and Uplifting People with Depression

Akaal Care Over the last 5-10 years, Rajveer Singh has seen a rise of suicides in his local community of Malaysia and Singapore. It has been so heartbreaking, that he felt an urgent need to reach out and help people. After COVID started in 2019, he saw even more people falling into depression. He spoke with local community leaders and heads of Gurudwara committees and began teaching workshops to help people overcome depression. For the last 4 years, Rajveer Singh has been teaching these workshops in both Gurdwaras in Sikh communities, and at yoga centers. As part of these workshops,…

Read: Serving and Uplifting People with Depression

Helping People through Reflexology

Hari Simran Singh is the Founder of a school of reflexology called Sat Guru Charan, based on massage techniques taught by Yogi Bhajan. Sat Guru Charan® is an effective method to create both physical and physiological well-being, as well as energetic and emotional balance, creativity and clarity of mind. The treatment consists of a full foot massage which, through a sequence of steps, finger rotations and specific patterns, facilitates the patient’s relaxation and re-establishes the natural physical, mental and emotional balance. The meditative state allows the SGC therapist to maintain a deep level of listening and attention towards the person,…

Read: Helping People through Reflexology