Siri Ved Kaur's Posts
Siri Ved Kaur Khalsa has been a part of the 3HO/Sikh Dharma community since 1971. She has authored three cookbooks (Conscious Cookery - 1978, From Vegetables with Love – 1989, and From Vegetables, with Love: Recipes & Tales from a Yogi’s Kitchen - 2015) and written numerous columns for Beads of Truth, Aquarian Times, YogaMint, and HealthWorld Online. Mother of three grown daughters, she now resides in Bakersfield, California with her husband, Gurujodha Singh.
Recent Articles

Basmati Rice with Garlic and Parsley
Parsley is better than an after dinner mint to take away odors. Chew well, then swallow; use especially after garlic or onions. Parsley is rich in minerals, especially iron, calcium, potassium and sulfur. It is a good blood building food and has been used as a kidney cleanser and for controlling calcium in the body. Parsley juice is good for eliminating poisonous foods from the body.
Read: Basmati Rice with Garlic and Parsley
Hot Chapattis: Spicy Corn & Garbanzo Fritters
Enjoy these patties as a side dish or savory breakfast served with yogurt. Spices and herbs may be doubled or tripled as desired.
Read: Hot Chapattis: Spicy Corn & Garbanzo Fritters
Basic Sabzee (Curried Vegetables)
This recipe is the foundation for making a gravy-based sabzee with the vegetable of your choice. For best flavor, grind your own spices with an electric coffee grinder or mortar and pestle.
Read: Basic Sabzee (Curried Vegetables)
Potent Potato Soup
This is my version of “chicken soup” and the yogi’s go-to recipe for fighting off a cold or flu. Feel free to add other vegetables as desired such as chopped mustard greens, chard, celery, cauliflower, and peas.
Read: Potent Potato Soup
Fountain of Youth Fruit Salad
For good health, youthful radiance, and to improve elimination, try this pureed fruit salad for breakfast.
Read: Fountain of Youth Fruit Salad
Swiss Chard & Rose Potatoes with Mustard Oil
This recipe rocks with flavor, provided by the combo of whole and freshly ground spices.
Read: Swiss Chard & Rose Potatoes with Mustard Oil
Ginger Curry
Soothing and delicious both in health and “dis-ease,” Ginger Curry is recommended for anyone who needs to rebuild their energy and nervous strength, especially when ill or post-partum.
Read: Ginger Curry
Jalapeno Pancakes
These spicy pancakes help to build resistance to colds and flu. Also known as “anti-smog pancakes,” these help to overcome the ill effects of living in a polluted environment.
Read: Jalapeno Pancakes
Beet & Carrot Casserole with Ginger Masala
Beets are one of the most potent liver detox foods you can eat. Mixed up with a few complementary ingredients, such as garam masala, carrots, and cheese, they make a simple, satisfying, and outstandingly delicious casserole.
Read: Beet & Carrot Casserole with Ginger Masala
Turmeric: The Golden Healer
Turmeric has been recognized by yogis and ayurvedic healers since ancient times for its many healing properties. Grown mainly in India, the turmeric root is a close cousin to ginger root.
Read: Turmeric: The Golden Healer