
2022 Events Calendar

The Heart and Soul of 3HO

Since the beginning, events have been the heart and soul of 3HO. They bring folks together from every corner of the globe to experience the camaraderie and profound transformation of doing yoga together, eating together, serving together, and so much more.

2020 upended decades of tradition when for the first time we had to cancel all in-person events due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Along with difficult revelations of past abuse, it was a transformational year for both our organization and the community at large.

As with all transformations, the events of the past year call us to re-envision the future we want to create. Therefore, while we are committed to bringing back in-person events once it is safe to do so, the specific details may include some new and different experiences from the events you have attended and loved in the past. Our vision is that whatever surface changes may take place, the true essence of our events as a space for connection, inspiration, service, and our shared love of Kundalini Yoga, will only grow from here.

We are currently planning to host Summer Solstice at Ram Das Puri, New Mexico in June of 2022 (pandemic permitting). We are excited to welcome you back to an improved site with a host of new permanent buildings!

In 2020 and 2021, we offered an online eSolstice, with thousands of people joining from all around the world. With the return of in-person Summer Solstice, we look forward to continuing to offer a parallel digital experience so that anyone can participate whether or not they are able to travel to New Mexico. We will also continue to offer virtual events and classes throughout the upcoming year.

See the full calendar of events here. 

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