
I Found My Family at Summer Solstice

My first Summer Solstice was potent!

Having taken one class at Yoga Yoga in Austin Texas, I became certain that this “Kundalini Yoga” was what I had been searching for to enhance my spiritual path.

In New Mexico, where Summer Solstice is held in June, I became enamored with it all. The rituals of sadhana, seva, and Gurdwara united me in the flow of fellowship and love of prayer.

I had found my family.

One of the last classes I attended was with Guru Singh. His speech was all about finding someone to strengthen our resolve with after Summer Solstice to continue our connections to the Infinite through sadhana and the 40-day practice. He encouraged us to look around—right at that moment—and find a partner who would be a support for the next 40 days when we would practice Kirtan Kriya.

I was sitting next to a man with whom I had shared another class experience. We turned to each other and cried out, “Let’s do this!”

We were filled with the ecstasy of the Summer Solstice experience.

End of story? No, that good friend and fellow teacher and I have continued to share our “spiritual “experiences with each other.

And after that first Solstice, I went immediately into teacher training and I’ve been doing sadhana continuously since then.

I have also written a book, The 40 Day Sadhana Companion, to encourage others to “Keep up”—to explore the strength and resolve that you find in Kundalini Yoga and the day-by-day inspiration that sadhana elicits.

Won’t you join us at this year’s Summer Solstice? Learn more here!