
The 7th Body: The Aura

The Seventh Body is the Aura, the electromagnetic field that surrounds us up to nine feet in every direction. When your Aura is weak, you seem vulnerable to everything that passes by or through you. You may be paranoid and lack self-trust. Negativity can penetrate into the psyche and physical body. When your Aura is strong, negative influences are automatically filtered out. A strong Aura indicates intelligence, wisdom, musical talent, invention, and analytic thinking. It protects the physical body from negative energy and illness. A strong Aura creates a strong sense of security. You feel elevated, and your presence lifts those around you.


Resources to Support Working with the Aura

Mantras: Spotify Playlist for the Aura

Tips to Strengthen and Maintain a Strong Aura:

  • Wear white clothing made from natural fibers to magnify the power of your Aura.
  • Meditate.
  • Sing out loud, often and joyfully. Elevate others with your singing.

Kundalini Kriyas:

Kriya for Balancing the Aura
This set builds your physical energy and stamina. It strengthens the navel energy. Then it rhythmically moves the meridian energy from the Third Chakra to the Eighth Chakra and back. This dance of energy builds all the chakras and the radiance of the Aura. 

Strengthening the Aura
This is a great kriya for developing your Aura and helping keep disease away. It can relieve many digestive problems, gives strength to the arms, and extends the power of protection and projection in the personality. 

Seventh Body Meditation
The Seventh Body is the Aura, the electromagnetic field that is generated by a human being that surrounds her up to nine feet in every direction. When your Aura is weak, you seem vulnerable to everything that passes by or through you. When your Aura is strong, negative influences are automatically filtered. A strong Aura establishes your sense of domain and fills the room with your presence.

The Divine Shield Meditation for Protection and Positivity
This meditation expands the Aura using a mantra to activate the power of the Heart Center. This enables the compassion of the Universe to uplift you and creates a Divine Shield to accompany and protect you through the ups and downs of life.

Purifying the Self
This kriya energizes you and helps purify the mind and body. The exercise sequence guides energy up along the spine, opens the chakras and then expands the Aura.

Meditation to Know the Field
This meditation creates sensitivity and the ability to extend the Aura out to link with the energy of a whole team or group. You can develop the capacity to know what is happening to everyone at the same time, sense where they are, and what they are about to do. You can develop the ability to sense the energy flow in any situation.

Adjust Your Flow – The Four U’s
This set invigorates you by adjusting your Pranic Body with your Auric Body. These postures are called the 4 U’s and they are “for you.” They set the nervous system to withstand the pressures of society and challenges of the times.

Kriya for the Magnetic Field and Heart Center
Your normal feelings of happiness, connection, and wellbeing depend on the balance of your individual psycho-electromagnetic field, or Aura. If it is strong, your muscles obey the message nerves, and the message nerves give good perception to the brain. Proper maintenance of the nerves depends on the basic elements and hormones in the constitution of the blood. This set will balance the blood and works on coordination and repair of the nervous system by stimulating the Heart Center.

Ego Eradicator
Ego Eradicator opens the lungs, consolidates the magnetic field, and brings the brain hemispheres to a state of alertness.

Kriya for Elevation
This easy set of exercises is excellent as a tune-up. It systematically exercises the spine and aids in the circulation of prana to balance the chakras. Sense the extension of the self through the magnetic field and the Aura.

Meditation for Developing Your Human Kindness
In this meditation, the breath, the prana, is controlled by the rhythmic eight strokes and is projected out as sound. It expands your energy, projects your Aura, and gives you your excellence. It is said that this meditation gives one the ability to rise above time and space.