Recent Article Articles (Page 3)

Yogic Concepts


In yogic practice, the hands are an energy map of our consciousness and health. Each area of the hand corresponds to a certain part of the body, as well as to different emotions and behaviors. 

Read: Mudra

The Mind

Kundalini Yoga recognizes three mental bodies: the positive, negative, and neutral mind. The movement, breath, and meditative techniques work to develop the neutral mind, which happens when we achieve the internal balance and harmony that comes from regular practice.

Read: The Mind

The Aquarian Age

The Age of Aquarius tends to evoke an image of free-loving hippies, frolicking in eternal bliss. But before western counterculture put its stamp on eastern spirituality, astrologers and theosophists signaled the coming of the age. 

What is the Age of Aquarius? And what does it mean for us, now?

Read: The Aquarian Age

Teaching Yoga to Kids

You may be wondering—can I teach my kids Kundalini Yoga? Can I involve them in my practice? Is yoga suitable for small children? 

Read: Teaching Yoga to Kids

Venus Kriyas

Venus Kriyas are tools to blend the polarity energies for spiritual growth. The focus remains at the heart, from which one projects love, caring, and a prayer for the highest good. 

Read: Venus Kriyas


The bandhas work to gently release pranic energy for conscious awakening. While the bandhas can be practiced on their own, they are more often interwoven into kriya and meditation practice. 

Read: Bandhas

Kundalini Yoga & Recreational Drugs

Confronted with stress, fatigue, burnout, and information overload, many people turn to recreational drugs to escape the pressure of the times. Kundalini Yoga offers an alternate path.

Read: Kundalini Yoga & Recreational Drugs


Nowadays, we are often not great at listening or paying attention. Even when we try our best, it’s easy to become distracted by personal intent, emotion, or disposition. Conscious listening is the act of being fully present during a communication exchange between oneself and another.

Read: Listening

Wearing White

It is common to see Kundalini Yoga teachers and practitioners wearing white, loose fitting clothing, ideally of natural fibers. But in a Western yoga world of spandex and leggings, why is this?

Read: Wearing White

Covering the Head

You may have noticed many Kundalini Yoga teachers and students wear head coverings. While it isn’t required, there are many good reasons to cover the head during practice.

Read: Covering the Head