
Recent Blog 2024+ Articles (Page 11)

The 3 Minds in Relationship

One of the best ways to learn about the positive, negative and neutral minds is through relationship.

Read: The 3 Minds in Relationship

Focus on Giving

Let go of the ego and step into service. We can make a difference every day by acting from a place of authenticity and selflessness.

Read: Focus on Giving

Our 7th and 8th Bodies: Living Life Strong

Out of the ten bodies we have, the two that I like to pay particular attention to are the pranic and auric bodies. They are closely tied to our physical and mental health in a way in which most of us are familiar, and in many ways, are our first lines of defense.

Read: Our 7th and 8th Bodies: Living Life Strong
Yogic Concepts

7 Misconceptions About Your Yoga Practice

People often come to me asking how to establish and maintain a daily practice.  And when I really listen to their questions, I’m surprised at how many misunderstandings there are about how to keep up with your practice.

Read: 7 Misconceptions About Your Yoga Practice

5 Ways to Embody the Warrior Saint

Now is the time to cultivate the discipline, skills, and heart of a Warrior Saint. Why a Warrior Saint? This ancient archetype is one that exemplifies qualities that can help us to emerge from this time triumphant. 

Read: 5 Ways to Embody the Warrior Saint

An Offering for Community and Connection

What I learned by moving to Greece is if you go into a new environment with the perspective of “how can I be of benefit?” you can actually build up a community pretty quickly. 

Read: An Offering for Community and Connection

The Secret to Supercharging Your Immune System is…in Your Refrigerator

There is growing evidence that at least 70% of your immune system resides in your gut, and you can fast-track your way to better health by taking good care of your gut’s microbiome. 

Read: The Secret to Supercharging Your Immune System is…in Your Refrigerator

Japji – The Song of the Soul

Jap means to repeat, and Ji means soul. The repetition of Japji gives you a consistent projection and allows you to access your own infinite source of inspiration and depth.

Read: Japji – The Song of the Soul

The Voice of the Ego vs Intuition

Many people ask, “How do I know when messages are coming from my intuition and not from the ego/mind?”

Read: The Voice of the Ego vs Intuition

The Science of Kundalini Yoga for Trauma and Addictions

It is not surprising that Kundalini Yoga is helpful for overcoming symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and addictions.

Read: The Science of Kundalini Yoga for Trauma and Addictions