Recent Blog 2024+ Articles (Page 3)

The 1st Body: The Soul Body
The first of the Ten Bodies is your best friend for life—your Soul—your flow of spirit. It exemplifies courage, creativity, humility, and vision. The key phrase for the Soul body is “Heart over Head.” Here we offer resources for working on the Soul Body.
Read: The 1st Body: The Soul Body
The Healing Vibration of Sat Nam
Five years ago, I established a daily Kundalini Yoga practice and planted the seed of Sat Nam – truth – breathing in Sat and exhaling Nam. I tenderly cared for it and watered it with purifying tears.
Read: The Healing Vibration of Sat Nam
The Age of Aquarius: What It Is and Why You Should Care
If you’ve noticed the world seems polarized lately, you are not alone. From politics to climate change and from pandemics to wars, it can feel like the human race is having a really hard time getting along. The good news is that the polarization is because we’re going through a transition from one astrological age to the next, and the coming period promises to be one of higher consciousness, compassion, and enlightenment.
Read: The Age of Aquarius: What It Is and Why You Should Care
Making a Circle
As I become older, I feel more and more that I am not changing but coming back to how I really was when I was a child. I don’t mean that I am becoming a child. I mean I am coming back to the connection that I had with myself as a child—coming back to my own essence, my own being.
Read: Making a Circle
Amethyst: The Purple Ray of Peace
Amethyst is said to be the ‘stone of peace.’ While bringing a sense of spiritual calm, the Amethyst also raises hopes and lifts the spirits, bringing thoughts of the spiritual realms that shape our lives.
Read: Amethyst: The Purple Ray of Peace
Vibrating Peace, One by One
Real long-lasting peace will not come through the politicians or organizations promoting peace. Real peace will come through the individual—one by one until the whole world is vibrating peace.
Read: Vibrating Peace, One by One
Rose Quartz: A Gemstone for Love and Gratitude
Rose Quartz is known as the stone of love.. It can lead us to forgiveness and understanding, and open the heart to greater love.
Read: Rose Quartz: A Gemstone for Love and Gratitude
Angelic Angelite
Angelite is useful in connecting one with the guidance of angels and spiritually aligned beings. Like many blue stones, it is cooling, calming, soothing, and has been said to bring hues of soft blues to the tip of the electromagnetic field.
Read: Angelic Angelite
Find a Practice That’s Right For You
Whether you’re new to Kundalini Yoga, deep in your practice, or a long-term teacher searching for inspiration, the improved search feature on our website makes it easy to find a practice that’s right for you!
Read: Find a Practice That’s Right For You
Life in a Kundalini Yoga Ashram
In the 1970s, in Salt Lake City, Utah, when I was in my twenties, an ashram based on the technology of Kundalini Yoga was thriving. We practiced Kundalini Yoga, did morning sadhana, operated a cleaning business, and enthusiastically tried to ‘live for each other.’
Read: Life in a Kundalini Yoga Ashram