Recent Blog 2024+ Articles (Page 8)

6 Tried and True Practices for Trying Times
If ever there was a time to test our abilities to cope with and manage fear and anxiety, this is it. Personally, I’m feeling a lot of blessings and gifts with the recent state of the world and its shift. I have more time to go inwards, to work on creative endeavors, and to see first-hand how many spiritual practices, in particular Kundalini Yoga, can help us through these trying times.
Read: 6 Tried and True Practices for Trying Times
A Journey Through the 8 Chakras with Kundalini Yoga
This article will take us through each of the eight chakras, offering a brief explanation with a Kundalini Yoga kriya and meditation to help bring each of these energy centers back into balance.
Read: A Journey Through the 8 Chakras with Kundalini Yoga
What I Know About the Aquarian Sadhana
I grew up with the Aquarian Sadhana, an early morning practice that includes doing Japji, yoga and chanting. My parents would bring me down to the sadhana room all bundled up in blankets. My mother said when I was little I would always pop up out of my blankets and sing along with the chants when they started.
Read: What I Know About the Aquarian Sadhana
Kundalini Yoga and Healing
Healing, from the perspective of Kundalini Yoga, is different from curing. Curing is removing the illness, problem, or issue. Healing means to make whole. A person who is healed may also have an illness or disease.
Read: Kundalini Yoga and Healing
5 Ways to Get Rid of Judgment
Judgment is the mind’s conviction that your life should be different, you should be different, others should be different, which can take the form of complaining, extreme negativity or gossiping. You can express this energy to others and/or keep it as an internal dialogue—both are damaging to the self.
Read: 5 Ways to Get Rid of Judgment
Emotional Balance 2.0
When you feel bad, doing Kundalini Yoga makes you feel better. Stressed and upset? Do a strong set and you can become calm and peaceful. There are many kriyas and meditations specifically for emotional balance, to get rid of fear and anger, and to release negative thoughts. It is not unusual in class to cry spontaneously and then leave feeling good.
Read: Emotional Balance 2.0
Come Out of Hiding for the Aquarian Age
This is the time to embrace the paradox of you. It’s when you are at your most vulnerable—sobbing and filled with insecurity—that you have the potential to be your strongest. Why? Because life has pressured you so forcefully that you have no other choice but to surrender to the Divinity with you. The false image that you have of yourself must dissolve so that the real you can be born.
Read: Come Out of Hiding for the Aquarian Age
The Kiss of the Divine: Guiding the Exhale
Those who have been blessed with the opportunity to practice yoga correctly can learn to reduce the unnecessary tension or ‘armor’ of the mind and body. To surrender this unnecessary tension, we must learn to relax. The exhale is the key to relaxation as well as the key to correct posture.
Read: The Kiss of the Divine: Guiding the Exhale
God’s ATM is Never Closed
As soon as you feel small and limited you can rest assured you are with your ego and creating karma with others. The ego’s slogan is, “Enough is never enough.” There is never enough money, never enough time, never enough security, never enough (fill in the blank). This keeps us in the endless loop of poverty consciousness and attached to a mind that is focused on what is lacking in our lives.
Read: God’s ATM is Never Closed
Give Birth to Your Authentic Self
Never before in our human history has the 3rd Sutra of the Aquarian Age been more in our awareness. We can all feel this pressure of time and space thrusting major change upon us.
Read: Give Birth to Your Authentic Self