Recent History Articles

Mahan Tantric
“In White Tantric Yoga energy is created en masse to purify the physical and mental bodies, and the soul, which is already pure, starts relating to the very existence of the being.” ~Yogi Bhajan, March 1972, Washington, D.C. One Mahan Tantric at a Time The following was written by SS Siri Brahma Singh Khalsa, Los Angeles, CA (who later married Sardarni Premka Kaur, now Pamela Dyson), and published in 1979 in the book, The Man Called the Siri Singh Sahib (a book compiled by Premka Kaur). In 1971, Yogi Bhajan told his secretary that he had just become the Mahan Tantric. She, out of her curiosity, asked him…
Read: Mahan Tantric
3HO’s First Solstice Gathering
As shared by Livtar Singh Khalsa in the January 2007 Aquarian Times. The charge to attend the first 3HO sponsored Summer Solstice Celebration in 1970 was $5.00. We were outraged! How dare they charge money for a spiritual experience! And so much! It was held at Santa Clara Canyon, some kind of alpine heaven between Espanola and Los Alamos, New Mexico. It had a clear mountain stream, meadows of long sweet grass, and tall, beautiful pine trees. “Wow,” I thought when I first saw it, “This is the kind of place to have an experience.” Little did I know. My…
Read: 3HO’s First Solstice Gathering
Winter Solstice Time
“The relationship between you and me is that of the rising and setting sun; you are rising, and I am setting. It is my duty to make sure that as I set, you rise. That is why I am asking you to overcome every obstacle and come to Solstice. When you come to Solstice, you are doing something perfectly, beautifully selfish, for your soul. Renew yourself now. Develop that grit, that commitment to excel. Accept your des tiny today, so that when I set, tomorrow you can rise and accept the challenge.” – Yogi Bhajan Livtar Singh Khalsa took this…
Read: Winter Solstice Time
Ram Das Puri According to Hopi Elders
Posted: Sunday, February 9, 1986, 6:54 P.M. PST From: MSS Gurujot Singh Khalsa To: Coordinators 1986 Summer Solstice “Peace Prayer Day” Subject: RAM DAS PURI Sat Nam Ji, This is the story told to us at the first Summer Solstice in New Mexico in 1970 by a delegation of Hopi Indian spiritual guides. They were very old men, with long white hair, and they came to us to tell us of huge gatherings of spiritual people that had been taking place for a hundred thousand years. During those times, the tribal leaders, the religious leaders, the greatest warriors,…
Read: Ram Das Puri According to Hopi Elders
I Like 3HO
Listen to this song written by Guru Dass Singh circa 1970s: Here are the lyrics to this song: Well, it all started in 69, American Hippie scene. There came a yogi from the eastern lands saying things ain’t what they seem. He said be Healthy, just keep on going; Happy, keep the Spirit flowing; Holy, I like 3HO. Well, the years went by and we learned how to fly. Feet on the ground and head high in the sky. Wake up in the morning and call on the One. We’re coming home. And we are Healthy, just keep on going…
Read: I Like 3HO
The Past, Present and Future of 3HO IKYTA
Written in July 1999 by Nam Kaur Khalsa, the original Executive Director of IKYTA. In 1992 I began meeting with teachers from around the world at Solstices and KWTC to find out what they were doing, and what type of support they needed from 3HO for their Kundalini Yoga classes. Out of that grassroots beginning came a rudimentary newsletter (no graphics, just text), ‘Teacher Enhancement Workshops’ at Solstices, and the beginning of a database of Kundalini Yoga teachers. By 1994 we were on our way, and on the 25th Anniversary of 3HO, Yogi Bhajan founded the 3HO International Kundalini Yoga…
Read: The Past, Present and Future of 3HO IKYTA
2008 Peace Prayer Day
Saturday, June 21. Espanola, New Mexico: In the lovely heights of the Jemez Mountains, in the quaint New Mexico town of Espanola, the 3HO Foundation and the natural food company Yogi Tea co-sponsored the 23rd annual International Peace Prayer Day at Ram Das Puri. The event began at 2 pm and featured an eclectic mix of song, dance and speeches from a variety of faith traditions, all extending their prayers and hopes for peace in the world. International Peace Prayer Day included performances by Izzat Da Punjab Bhangra Troupe; a sacred healing dance with the Red Turtle Dancers of Pojoaque, NM; transcendent healing music with Ashana; and a musical performance…
Read: 2008 Peace Prayer Day
2007 Peace Prayer Day
On Saturday, June 16th, 2007, the 3HO Foundation in conjunction with Peace Cereals celebrated the 22nd annual International Peace Prayer Day at the Ram Das Puri campsite in the Jemez Mountains near Espanola, New Mexico. Over 1000 people gathered at the mountain campsite to pray, sing and share stories about peace. International Peace Prayer Day in New Mexico was started by Yogi Bhajan, Founder of 3HO, Master of Kundalini Yoga, and Chief Spiritual and Administrative Authority for Sikh Dharma International. Yogi Bhajan founded this event to bring people of different faith backgrounds and traditions together to pray for peace. He…
Read: 2007 Peace Prayer Day
First 3HO Summer Solstice Sadhana
A firsthand account of the early days of 3HO, the Healthy, Happy, Holy Organization, according to Guru Singh Khalsa, as shared on harisingh.com and 3HO.org. It is the brightest fire of the year, June 21; the longest day; the shortest night; a time spiritual communities have celebrated for thousands of years. This is the Summer Solstice Sadhana, and in June of 1969 3HO began its now decades old tradition of gathering from all over the world for celebrating with Kundalini Yoga, meditation, and White Tantra Yoga. The full story of our tradition actually begins the summer before. It was June…
Read: First 3HO Summer Solstice Sadhana
Yogi Bhajan Honored for Mission of Peace
Excerpted from a Middlesex News article from Sunday, November 19, 1995: Friday, November 17, 1995 – Yogi Bhajan was honored as the 52nd recipient of the Peace Abbey Courage of Conscience Award. He said he merely teaches others to raise their own spirit because “a man without peace is not a man complete”. “When I first came to the US in 1969 for a short visit, I saw all the young people getting high on drugs. It was painful to see, so I decided to stay and take the challenge”, Yogi Bhajan said. “Peace is difficult to understand. It is…
Read: Yogi Bhajan Honored for Mission of Peace