Recent Numerology Articles (Page 3)

Numerology for July 2023: Watch Your Step & Follow Your Heart
There is a definite edge to this month, but it can be maneuvered through by keeping your Auric field clear so you may correctly sense and filter the information in the environment.
Read: Numerology for July 2023: Watch Your Step & Follow Your Heart
Numerology for June 2023: Time to Clarify
Visioning your life now as a creative, joyful, and emotionally fulfilled human being is a strong power point for change and evolution. It all begins somewhere, and that somewhere is You in your divine essence, moving forward as a beacon of light.
Read: Numerology for June 2023: Time to Clarify
Numerology for May 2023: Balance & Stability
The month of May brings a time of powerful change to planet Earth, and we need to have our physical body and mental energies tuned up in order to catch the opportunities inherent in the higher frequencies. Surf’s up, so let’s look at ways to maximize the benefits of this fortuitous season of time.
Read: Numerology for May 2023: Balance & Stability
Numerology for April 2023: Focus Yourself
It is important now to realistically assess how much you are capable of in a day or week, and then weed out any unnecessary burdens or obligations. Separating the wheat from the chaff is essential to our lives becoming more fluid and functional.
Read: Numerology for April 2023: Focus Yourself
Numerology for March 2023: A Fresh Breeze and a Testy Learning Curve
The month of March brings in a fresh breeze of inspiration, along with a new learning curve that tests our ability to adjust and adapt to rapidly changing circumstances.
Read: Numerology for March 2023: A Fresh Breeze and a Testy Learning Curve
Numerology Forecast for February 2023: Look Before You Leap
The month of February 2023 is a time of discernment and decisiveness in our decision-making process. We will find ourselves feeling polarized by the intensity of vacillating emotions while standing on the precipice of all that is new and exciting.
Read: Numerology Forecast for February 2023: Look Before You Leap
Numerology Forecast for 2023 and the Month of January
As a humanity, we have now departed from one of the most challenging years in recent history. We now have a stronger resolve and awareness of how to protect ourselves, as well as how to determine who is truly for or against us. Your new superpower is an Arc Line (halo) that reads, “Don’t tread on me, I am born to be free!”
Read: Numerology Forecast for 2023 and the Month of January
Numerology for December 2022: A Restorative Time-Out
Here we are, still standing at the end of an extraordinary year, and it is essential now to turn the lamplight down low. Rest, relaxation and pleasant festivities are all a part of the cure for what has been a rough n’ tumble time on planet Earth.
Read: Numerology for December 2022: A Restorative Time-Out
Numerology for November 2022: A Grand Alignment
The numerology for the month of November 2022 shows a power point of grand alignment within the domain of the Heavenly and Earthly realms.
Read: Numerology for November 2022: A Grand Alignment
Numerology Forecast for October 2022: Create an Emotional Safe-Haven
The month of October brings an excitement and intensity to planet Earth that will allow us to break through previously held beliefs that limited our effectiveness in the world.
Read: Numerology Forecast for October 2022: Create an Emotional Safe-Haven