Recent Vegetarian Recipes Articles (Page 4)

Root Vegetable Curry Soup
Studies have found that one of the active ingredients in turmeric, curcumin, has far-reaching health benefits. Incorporating it daily through curries has been demonstrated to reduce the risk of cancer, arthritis and Alzheimer’s disease.

Savory Indian Pancakes
This is a wonderful dish full of protein that helps build strong bodies and energizes the whole system.

Solstice Hot Sauce
Inspired by Ayurveda, this hot sauce recipe can be paired with kitcheree and other cleansing dishes to promote healing and wellness.

Solstice Potato Soup
The Solstice Potato soup is slightly alkalizing to the body, keeping the body healthy and light, and the mind clear for sadhana.

Spaghetti Squash with Marinara and Parmesan
Here’s a healthy, east-to-make recipe for Spaghetti squash, which is high in vitamins and nutritional value and low in carbs and calories.

Spaghetti Squash with Turmeric
Spaghetti squash (Cucurbita pepo) is one of my favorite “gluten free” pasta substitutes. Adding turmeric to your favorite dishes is a great practice as research is showing that turmeric has many health benefits including improving digestion, fighting infection, improving blood sugar in diabetes and preserving cognitive function.

Stir Fry with Soy Curls
If you haven’t tried Soy Curls before, they are a clean meat substitute made entirely from Non-GMO soybeans and they soak up the flavors of the Stir Fry.

Sunflower Seed Sauce
Sunflower Seed Sauce is great on top of mixed steamed vegetables and basmati rice or as a hearty salad dressing.

Swiss Chard & Rose Potatoes with Mustard Oil
This recipe rocks with flavor, provided by the combo of whole and freshly ground spices.

The Best Tofu Scramble
This recipe works well for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. I change up the veggies, depending on what I have in the fridge.