40 Days Guru Ram Das Birthday Celebration


The Hacienda de Guru Ram Das (HGRD) Sangat invites the Global Community to join them for their annual celebration of the birth of Guru Ram Das.  Here are the activities you can participate in:

  1. August 31 – October 9:  40 nights of evening chanting of the Shabad, Dhan Dhan Ram Das Gur (5:00 pm to 6:00 pm MDT)
  2. September 22 & 29 + October 6:  special Sunday Gurdwara programs
  3. October 9:  Special 2.5 hours Sadhana in the Amrit Vela, chanting the Shabad, Dhan Dhan Ram Das Gur

View all of the above programs on the HGRD YouTube Channel.

Taught by

HGRD Sangat

Event Topic


Event Type

Community, Community Featured


Free event


Hacienda de Guru Ram Das

Event Website


Starts at

5:00 pm. Ends at 6:00 pm.

Time zone: MDT
Find your time zone here.

Contact the event organizer directly

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