
Despite our Mistakes Mother Earth Loves Us Anyway

Planet Earth is experiencing profound evolutionary changes as we can see with the unpredictable weather patterns, earthquakes and ice melting. Also through the solar flare activity, the Earth’s electromagnetic field is rotating at a higher rate. The electromagnetic field of the Earth runs all of life including our human lives and we are undeniably linked just as a loving mother is linked to her children.

With all of these Earth changes, it can bring up ancient fears of survival because the ground beneath our feet is literally shifting and changing. However, we must all deeply trust in this evolutionary process as it unfolds because where else are we going to go? We are all on this Earth spaceship hurling through space at 2,000 miles an hour with no way to get off!

When you do not feel in synch with the electromagnetic field of the Earth, you will feel afraid and insecure. If you watch young children with their mothers, the child is like a satellite that orbits a certain distance around the mother. If the child moves past this distance of safety he/she immediately runs back to the mother for safety. So too, when we energetically move too far away from Mother Earth we will feel equally insecure.

We must constantly be recalibrating our energy to accommodate these changes to feel emotionally secure in the world. So how do you ask Mother Earth for support? You speak not with your words but with your frequency. The paradox of this age is in order to raise your frequency you must slow down. What are you really slowing down? The mind. To slow down, you don’t need anti-anxiety medication, a technological gadget or a peaceful environment.

All you need is your breath and that is with you wherever you go unless you are physically dead. The universal law is that the mind must obey the breath—when you slow down your breath you automatically slow down the mind.

When you slow down you automatically synch to the natural rhythms of the planet, for Mother Earth has her own heartbeat. Science has discovered and measured this frequency and it is called the Schumann Resonance. When you slow down you will automatically synch to the heartbeat of the Earth which, in turn, allows you to feel safe and secure in your life.

It is only the mind/ego that protests that slowing down would mean you wouldn’t get anything done, meet any deadlines and shirk your responsibilities. On the contrary, when you slow down you tap into your own innate intelligence which makes you more efficient with your energy. When you slow down the mind, you are more receptive to the intuitive guidance of your Soul. You will start to make smarter choices and actually be more productive. Also when we slow down we can have the direct experience of the Truth of the Aquarian Age – the doing gets done without us. It is an illusion that we do anything in life—It is GOD that does the doing.

So begin to receive the support, love and nurturing of your true mother—Mother Earth. Honor her spirit by slowing down and synching your heartbeat to her heartbeat to thrive in this Aquarian Age.

Michael Neutrino

Michael Neutrino

Michael Neutrino (formerly known as Catalyst Yogi) helps you to find your higher purpose and heal your inner child through transformational online programs. These programs use the tools of Shadow Mining, Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, and Spiritual Psychology. Participants also become members of a supportive global community with like-minded people that you can grow and change with on the healing journey. He also has many free resources available to help you transition into the Aquarian Age. Check the website for more details.


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