Sat Nam Rasayan® Level 1 Training (Ojai, California)
Develop your Innate Healing Abilities
Sat Nam Rasayan® is an unforgettable experience that can bring many breakthroughs in your life. It is a healing art that is based on having a stable meditative consciousness that has the ability to become transcendent and modify the environments or person that you are healing.
We invite you to join Siri Simran in this special Sat Nam Rasayan® Level 1 Certification Training in Ojai, California beginning on September 14-15, 2024.
About the Course
In this training, you will go through a process that liberates you of internal and psychic blocks and your internal being will harmonize. With every training session, you will become more tranquil, secure, and stable.
As a student progresses on the path, the student’s awareness becomes more refined and develops the capacity for holding the meditative space of Silence.
Those who practice SNR regularly can attest to how the effects of this profound healing capacity spill into every aspect of one’s life.
The goal of this one-year training is to build a strong foundation to expand your meditative healing power, and to develop your inner strength and compassion as a healer. It is a personal path through which you can grow and evolve in your consciousness.