Kriya to Clarify the Subtle Body

The Subtle Body is one of the Ten Bodies recognized in Kundalini Yoga. It is the body that attracts opportunities and brings good fortune. 

This kriya works to strengthen the Subtle Body and also the Arcline, which influences both your ability to receive intuitive information, and the power of the information you are sending out. In addition to these benefits, it is said to give you a bright, shining countenance.

The Practice

Posture & Mudra: Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine, chin in and chest out. Place your arms down by your sides, palms facing up, without touching the floor. Move your arms upward from this position, bringing your palms to overlap each other a few inches above your head, with the left palm lying flat on top of the back of the right hand. The thumbs do not touch. Your arms make an arc around your head to match your Arcline. Then return your arms to the starting position.

Mantra, Movement & Breath: Make an “O” of your mouth. Inhale through the mouth as you raise your hands overhead on “Har.” On the next “Har,” exhale through the “O” mouth and lower your hands back to the starting position.

Continue moving rhythmically with the chant. Use the navel point and diaphragm to powerfully exhale as you bring your arms down. Keep the inhalation and exhalation of equal force and power.

Continue for 11 minutes. To end, interlace your hands over your head with your elbows straight. Inhale and hold your breath for 10-15 seconds as you actively stretch your body all around without letting go of the hands. Stretch as much of your body as you can. Exhale. Repeat this sequence two more times.


The movement of this kriya is best done to the rhythm of the Tantric Har recording by Simran Kaur Khalsa.

Start with 11 minutes. When you can do 11 minutes correctly without spacing out, you can extend your practice to 22 minutes. After much practice, the maximum time for this meditation is 33 minutes.

This meditation can be found in Praana Praanee Praanayam available from KRI.