Antar Naad Mudra for Full Moon

This meditation is to be practiced on the Full Moon. It is a key to opening the flow of Kundalini energy. It brings peace, security, and the wisdom to make the right choices in life.

The Practice

Posture: Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine. Bring the palms together in Prayer Pose at the Navel Point.


Sa Ray Sa Sa, Sa Ray Sa Sa, Sa Ray Sa Sa, Sa Rang

Har Ray Har Har, Har Ray Har Har, Har Ray Har Har, Har Rang

Recommended recordings for the correct rhythm are by Guru Shabad Singh or Nirinjan Kaur.

Movement & Mudras: As the mantra starts with Sa Ray Sa Sa start to bring the palms up the center front of the torso, about 4·6 inches in front of the body.

As you pass the Heart Center, begin to open the hand mudra to make an open lotus by the time the hands reach the level of the Brow Point.

The open lotus has the base of the palms together. The little fingertips touch, the thumb tips touch, and the rest of the fingers are spread open.

As the mantra begins Har Ray Har Har turn the fingers to point down, with the back of the hands touching.

It is a reverse Prayer Pose. Slowly bring this mudra down the chakras in rhythm with the music until the fingertips reach the Navel Point on the sounds Har Rang. Then turn them around and begin again.

Continue for 11 – 31 minutes.

This meditation can be found in the Aquarian Teacher Training Manual.