Practice this meditation to bring your group together into an energy of unity and oneness. It builds a group aura and can even inspire you to make great sacrifices for one another.
The Practice
Posture: Sit as a group in a circle, each person in Easy Pose.
Eyes: Eyes focus on the tip of the nose.
Mudra: Interlock arms with the person on either side of you.
Breath, Movement, & Mantra:
Inhale through the nose silently in 4 segments.
Turn the head to the left shoulder and mentally chant Saa as you inhale one part of the breath.
Turn the head to the right shoulder and mentally chant Taa as you inhale the 2nd part of the breath.
Turn the head to the left shoulder mentally chant Naa as you inhale the 3rd part of the breath.
Turn the head to the right shoulder and mentally chant Maa as you complete the last part of the 4 part breath.
Then turn the head forward at the center line of the body and chant aloud together on the exhale:
Whaa-hay Guroo, Whaa-hay Guroo, Whaa-hay, Whaa-hay, Whaa-hay Guroo
Begin the 4 part segmented breath again, and chant on the exhale.

Continue for 11 minutes. To end: inhale and exhale, and repeat this twice more, then relax.
This meditation can be found in Transformation, vol. 2.