
Breath Cleansing Pranayama

This short series balances both your blood chemistry and your mental attitude.

Left Nostril Breathing

Posture: Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine, chin in and chest out.


Mudra: Use the thumb of your right hand to block your right nostril. (Keep the other fingers stretched up straight like antennae.

Breath: Breathe long and deep through the left nostril only.

Take 26 long, deep breaths through the left nostril, then inhale, hold briefly, and relax. Rest for 2 minutes.

Right Nostril Breathing

Mudra: Use the thumb of your left hand to block your left nostril. (Keep the other fingers stretched up straight like antennae.)

Breath: Breathe long and deep through the right nostril only.

Take 26 long deep breaths through the right nostril, then inhale, hold briefly, and relax. Rest for 2 minutes.

Breath of Fire

Mudra: Bring your palms together at the center of your chest.

Breath: Begin Breath of Fire.

Continue for 3 minutes. Then rest for 2 minutes.

Inhale Left, Exhale Right

Mudra and Breath: Use the thumb of the right hand to block off the right nostril and inhale long and deep through the left nostril. Use the Jupiter (index) finger of the right hand to block off the left nostril and exhale long and deep through the right nostril.

Note: This breath will balance your mind and nerves.

Continue for 3 minutes or 26 breaths.


Relax your breath and sit meditatively with your eyes closed, feeling completely relaxed but alert

Continue for 1 minute.

This pranayama can be found in Praana Praanee Praanayam.