
Gutka Kriya: Using the Magic Mantra as a Gutka to Reverse Negative Energy

Strength and power come from inner balance. Without this, we end up confused, degraded, upset, or depressed. This kriya uses the power of sound to cut through negativity and re-route the mind. The objective here is to reverse negative thinking. 

This mantra is generally chanted out loud, but if circumstance makes that impossible, you can chant mentally. It will still be effective.  


Posture: Sit in Easy Pose with your spine straight.

Mudra: Use the thumb to lock down the Mercury finger (pinkie) and Sun fingers (ring). Raise the Saturn finger (middle) up at a diagonal and lower the Jupiter finger (index) down at an angle (like scissors). Stretch your arms straight out in from of you, parallel to the ground, with the palms facing down.

Stretch it tight, put the fingers straight, have the angle right.

When the Saturn finger is higher and the Jupiter finger is lower and they are on a diagonal to each other, it is called Gutka Kriya.

Eyes: Close your eyes and concentrate at the Third Eye Point.

Mantra: Begin a brisk continuous chanting of Ek Ong Kaar Sat Gur Prasaad, Sat Gur Prasaad Ek Ong Kaar. One complete recitation of the mantra takes about 4 seconds.

Continue for 11 minutes. To end, inhale, hold the position, stretch the arms, stretch the spine, and hold the breath as long as you can. (In class the breath was held for over 1 minute.) Exhale. Then rapidly and powerfully inhale and exhale three times. (Each inhale and exhale takes about three seconds.)


Relax and put your hands in your lap. Put your attention at your Third Eye Point and be aware of what is going on there.

Referring to the Third Eye Point, the yogic scriptures say, “Kamal bigaase, sabh dookh naase. The moment the lotus turns around, all disease and pain go away.”

Continue for 1 minute.


Keep your attention at the Third Eye Point and visualize a huge rectangular tank of water surrounded by a marble walkway. Imagine that there is a huge gate on the west side of the walkway. From this gate a bridge goes out to a holy temple in the middle of the tank of water. In the temple music is playing. Hear it and experience it.

Continue for 2 minutes. To end, inhale deeply, exhale, relax, open your eyes, and bring yourself back to ordinary awareness.


It was originally taught that if Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad, Sat Gur Prasad Ek Ong Kar is chanted five times, it will stop the mind and put it in reverse gear. This mantra comes from the words of the warrior-saint, Guru Gobind Singh.

This kriya was originally taught on July 19, 1982 and can be found in Infinity and Me.