Kriya for Self-Reliance

Self-reliance will vanish all fear. Fear comes when you are dependent on anything other than your own inner wisdom and higher self. If your self-reliance is strong, you are protected.

This series provokes self-reliance and energizes several physical areas of the body.

Exercise 4 works on the liver and Exercise 5 on the creative force. The last exercise is a meditation that can be extended to 31 minutes. When turning to the right, you are representing yourself as a unit identity of Truth. When turning to the left, your reliance is focused on the Infinite Wisdom. Reliance on Whaa-hay Guroo brings self-reliance as a unit in Sat Naam.

Leg Lift to Forward Bend

This exercise sets the balance in the aura between north and south. It also puts a pressure on the liver to clean the body and increase courage. 

Posture: Sit with spine erect and legs extended straight out in front. The arms are straight forward, parallel to the ground.

Breath and Movement: Inhale and lean back into a 60-degree angle; suspend the breath and lift both legs up as high as possible. Hold the breath as long as possible and then exhale, letting the legs down and bend forward, grasping the toes. Pull firmly on the toes and hold this position with normal breathing.

Continue for 11 minutes, then take several deep breaths. Then inhale and lean back 60-degrees again and repeat the first part of the exercise three or four times.

Spine Flex in Rock Pose

Both this exercise and the next open the Heart Center’s energy of compassion and surrender to infinite wisdom.

Posture: Sit on the heels and place the palms on the thighs.

Mantra and Movement: Using the mantra Sat Nam, whisper powerfully the sound Sat while flexing the spine forward, and Nam while flexing backward. The sound will be like a snake.

Continue the spine flex at a medium pace for 8 minutes. Then inhale and exhale 4 times and relax.

Press Hands Together

Posture: Sit straight with palms together and thumbs crossed. Press the hands firmly together, putting pressure at the center of the chest.

Focus: Bring the entire weight of the upper body into the hands and concentrate all the mental energy at the root of the nose.

Meditate in this pose for 10 minutes.

Move Waist Side to Side

This exercise works on the liver.

Posture: Sit straight in Easy Pose.

Movement: Move the waist from side to side in a regular rhythm.

Continue for 3 minutes.

Spine Flex

This exercise works on the creative force.

Posture: Easy Pose with hands holding the ankles.

Movement: Begin a rapid spine flex. Concentrate on the forward motion a little more than the backward motion so that each flex puts a slight pressure on the sex organs.

Continue for 3 minutes, then relax the body completely.

Head Turns

This exercise is a meditation that can be extended to 31 minutes. When turning to the right, you are representing yourself as a unit identity of Truth. When turning to the left, your reliance is focused on the Infinite Wisdom. Reliance on Whaa-hay Guroo brings self-reliance as a unit in Sat Nam.

Posture: Sit erect in Easy Pose with hands in Giaan Mudra.

Eyes, Movement and Focus: Concentrate at the root of the nose and turn the head over the right shoulder and chant Sat Nam. Turn the head over the left shoulder and chant Whaa-hay Guroo.

Photos courtesy of the Kundalini Research Institute

Continue in a steady rhythm for 11 minutes.

This kriya can be found in the manual, KRIYA: Yoga Sets, Meditations, and Classic Kriyas.