Kriya to Make Your Skin Radiant

This kriya works to improve the skin by removing the effects of long-term anger and stress through adjustment of the metabolism. Stress and anger affect the skin. Inner anger can make you accomplish a lot, but if you are angry and blaming, then this anger will keep you in a state of low self-esteem. This creates long-term stress which dulls the mind, makes life boring, and takes away your happiness.

Knee Bends

Posture: Sit with the legs stretched out in front, arms at the sides.

Movement: Keeping the heels on the ground, bend and raise the left knee. As you lower the left knee, bend and raise the right knee, so that you alternately move the knees up and down.

Continue for 3 minutes.

Knee Bends with Arms

Posture: Stretch the arms straight out in front, palms facing down.

Movement: Continue the same leg motion as in Exercise 1. Begin alternately moving the arms up and down, coordinating with the leg motion, so that the left knee and arm move together, and the right knee and arm move together. Move at a speed of 5 times per second, or faster, and try to create a sweat.

Continue for 15 minutes.

Body Lifts on the Back

Posture: Lie on the back with the arms at the sides.

Movement: Raise and lower the pelvis so that everything from the shoulders to the ankles is lifted off the ground, then lowered back down. Move very quickly.

Continue for 9 minutes.

Body Lifts on the Stomach

Posture: Same exercise as #3, but instead of lying on the back, lie on the stomach.

Continue for 13 minutes.

Cat Stretch

Posture: Lie on the back with the arms stretched out to the sides on the ground.

Movement: Keep the shoulders on the ground and pull one knee up and stretch it over to the opposite side of the body. Then change sides. Do as many as you can.

Continue for 4 minutes.


Posture: Lie down on the back and deeply relax.

Breath: Breathe very slowly.

Photos provided by Kundalini Mobile

Relax for 11 minutes.

This kriya was originally taught on February 26, 1986 and can be found in I AM A WOMAN Creative, Sacred, Invincible, and on the Library of Teachings.