Kriya to See the Inner Beauty

In Kundalini Yoga there are many practices which produce the state of union or ecstasy by combining the energies of prana and apana at the base of the spine, and raising the energy up to the pineal gland. This kriya focuses on releasing tension that inhibits the free flow of energy, and raising consciousness through the movement of ojas, a concentrated fluid of life force energy.

Prayer Pose

This exercise opens the higher centers. As you breathe deeply, you may feel a tingling at the forehead if your posture and concentration are correct. This is caused by the central nerve, which also activates the pituitary gland. This exercise is also good for improving eyesight and other eye problems.

Posture: Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine. 

Mudra: Place the palms together, pressing the thumbs to the center of the chest. The fingers point straight up. Apply Chin Lock and, without bending the neck, press the eyes down to see the thumbs.

Breath: Begin long deep breathing.

Continue for 6 minutes. With practice, you can gradually build the time to 11 minutes.

Celibate Pose

Posture: Sit in Celibate Pose so the buttocks are on the ground between the heels. Spread the knees wide and grasp the knees firmly with the elbows straight.

Movement: Rock the lower spine back and forth, vibrating it as rapidly as you can with grace. Move vigorously to work up a sweat on the back and spine.

Continue for 3 minutes. To end, inhale deeply and mentally circulate the energy throughout the body.

Life Nerve Stretch

Posture: Stretch the legs out straight and reach forward, grasping the toes. Completely relax. 

Full relaxation removes the tension that blocks our natural energy. It is a moment to sample your inner joy. Experience the One who is sitting in you, the you who is watching the One in you. You and the One are one. Relax into the universal spirit and feel the flow pervading through you. Let all the outside vibrations go. Merge into the infinite peace and light within.

Continue for 5 minutes.


Posture: Sit in Easy Pose

Mantra: Chant to the infinite ecstasy using any mantra that stirs your heart.

Continue for 3 – 11 minutes.


According to yogic wisdom, ojas is the most concentrated essence of nutritional substances in the body, roughly comparable to cerebrospinal fluid. It has been said that one hundred bites of food will produce one drop of blood, and one hundred drops of blood will produce one drop of ojas. At any given time there is only a tiny quantity of priceless ojas in your entire body.

This kriya pulls one drop of ojas from the base of the spine up the center channel of the spinal cord (sushmuna) to be released near the pineal gland. This activates the radiance of the pineal gland which then interconnects the secretions of the pituitary and pineal glands, and in turn opens the brain’s potential.

This kriya can be found in KRIYA.