
Kriya for the Heart

Kundalini kriyas for the heart work on both the physical heart and the heart center. Try this 7-part kriya and strengthen and open your heart.

Long Deep Breathing

Posture and Breath: Sit in Easy Pose. Keeping your palms together, begin long deep breathing

Focus: Focus your concentration on the beat of your heart.

Continue for 3 minutes.

Back Platform Pose

Posture: Come into Back Platform Pose, with your weight on your heels and elbows. Your hands form fists at the sides of your chest and from toe to head your body is a perfectly straight line.

Breath: Do Long Deep Breathing.

Continue for 3 minutes.

Rock Pose

Posture: Sit on your heels with a straight spine in Rock Pose.

Mudra: Lock your hands together, so that each is pulling on the other, with one thumb straight up and the other straight down. Your hands join together in front of your heart center, the pivot point.


Breath and Movement: On the inhale, raise your left elbow up and, keeping a straight line between your elbows, lower your right elbow. On the exhale, raise your right elbow and lower your left elbow. As you fall into a rhythm, quicken the pace.

After 1½ minutes, inhale, exhale, and proceed to the next exercise.

Arm Pulls

Posture and Breath: In the same posture, inhale and with your arms parallel to the floor, pull with maximum force at your hands. Exhale and engage root-lock (mulbandh) while you pull on your hands.

Repeat the same process 3 more times. Then relax in Easy Pose.

Long Deep Breathing

Posture: In Easy Pose, have your right arm down in active Gyan Mudra (thumb locked over index fingertip with the rest of the fingers straight), wrist resting on the knee. Your left arm is raised at your side at a 60 degree angle to the floor.

Breath: Engage Root Lock (mulbandh) and breathe long and deep.

Eyes: Your eyes should be open and focused straight ahead on one point.

Continue for 5 minutes.

Hands to Heart Center

Posture: Place your right hand palm down on your chest, at the heart center. Place your left hand palm up on your back, just opposite your right hand.

Breath and Focus: As you deeply inhale and exhale, concentrate on the energy at your heart center. Inhale Sat, exhale Nam. Feel the flow of energy between your hands.

Continue for 5 minutes.


Posture: Come Lying on your back and relax deeply.

Time is unspecified.