
The Essence of Self

When you are weighed down by the scars and disappointments of life, it is difficult to sense the broader reality of which you are a part. This pain creates blocks to the inflow of cosmic energy and you become less sensitive to your own possibilities. This set of exercises guides the prana through your body to the heart chakra, opening the heart so you can give and receive love without fear, anger, or re­sentment, and experience compassion.

In this state of compassion you can release the pain of former relationships, energize current relationships on a higher level, and begin to express your divine essence.

The exercises in this kriya are for the release of tension, strengthening the digestion, and opening the lungs. If you are new to Kundalini Yoga, you may want to rest after each exercise unless otherwise noted.

Arm Circles

Posture and Movement: Sit in Easy Pose, arms extended to the front, parallel to the floor with the palms facing down. Spread the arms slightly to form a V and rotate them backward in large circles.

Breath: Begin Breath of Fire and gradually increase the power of the breath as you rotate the arms faster and faster, wider and wider. For best results, do this exercise very energetically. The faster the breath is, the more powerfully it stimulates the heart.

Continue for 4 minutes.

Rocking Bow Pose

Posture and Movement: Lie on the stomach and bend the knees. Grab the ankles and lift the legs off the ground. Rock back and forth from the shoulders to the knees

Breath: Coordinate the motion with a powerful Breath of Fire—so powerful that it feels as though fire were coming from the nostrils.

Continue for 1 minute.

Rocking on Spine

Posture and Movement: Lie on the back, bend the knees and clasp the legs to the chest. Bring the forehead to the knees. Rock along the entire length of the spine.

Breath: Coordinate the movement with Breath of Fire.

Continue for 1 ½ minutes.

Crow Pose

Posture: Squat down with the feet flat on the ground in Crow Pose. Clasp the hands in Venus Lock on top of the head.

Breath and Movement: On the count of one, inhale and stand up, and on two, exhale and squat back down into Crow Pose.

Continue for 52 counts.

Arm Circles

Posture and Movement: Again sit in Easy Pose, arms extended to the front, parallel to the floor with the palms facing down. Spread the arms slightly to form a V and rotate them backward in large circles.

Breath: Begin Breath of Fire and gradually increase the power of the breath as you rotate the arms faster and faster, wider and wider.

Continue for 2 minutes


Posture: Sit in Easy Pose and cross your hands at the center of the chest over the Heart Center.

Eyes: Close your eyes.

Focus: Drop any self-limitations. Surrender the self to the Self. In this expanded awareness, experience your essence. Re­main focused and meditate.


Music Mantra Variation (optional): Chant the shabad Dhan Dhan Ram Das Gur, beaming from your heart. Meditate on Guru Ram Das to open your heart and create a miracle in your life.

Continue for 11 – 31 Minutes