
Outward Bound Kriya

The Outward Bound kriya prepares you to meet the world head on—vibrant and strong. Because a woman’s reproductive system is totally internal, they require vigorous, daily exercise in order to have enough extroverted energy to really excel and work in today’s world. This set is a perfect example of how to bring that internal energy out.

Leg Lift Variation

This brings healing to your entire “apana” area: gonads, pelvis, and uterus—very important for women.

Posture & Movement: Lie flat on the back. Lift one leg to 90 degrees. Keeping it raised, lift the other leg up to 45 degrees. Bring them both down at the same time. Switch legs and repeat.

Continue for 11 minutes.

Plow Pose

Posture: Lie flat with the hands extended over the head on the ground.

Movement: Raise the legs up over the head, and bring them back down.

Continue for 52 repetitions.

Frog Pose Variation

Posture, Breath, & Movement: Begin in Frog Pose, squatting, with both hands touching the ground in front between the knees. As you extend the hips up, bring the left hand to the heart.

Then settle back down in Frog Pose, both hands on the ground. Extend up again and bring the right hand to the heart, and then squat back down, both hands back on the ground.

Alternate bringing the hands to the heart. The heels remain off the ground. Continue in a brisk fashion

Do 54 frogs.

Forward Bends

Posture, Breath, & Movement: Standing up, inhale and reach the arms up to the sky. Exhale, bend over at the waist and touch the ground.

Continue 54 times.

Front Stretch Variation

Posture & Movement: Sit with the legs stretched out front. Lengthening the spine, grab the feet, bending forward from the navel, bringing the torso toward the knees. Hold this posture and roll the neck around in a circle.

Do 52 neck rolls.

Bow Pose

Posture: Lying flat on the stomach, reach back and grab the ankles.

Breath & Movement: Inhale and stretch upwards into Bow Pose, arching the head back. Exhale and relax the thighs and head down to the ground. Breathe powerfully.

Repeat 74 times.

Deep Relaxation

Posture: Lie flat on the back and relax the entire body to the sound of the Gong (if available.) For the last part of the relaxation, listen to the song Nobility sung by Wahe Guru Kaur (if available).

Time is not specified.