This kriya has 18 exercises and is a complete workout of the self. The first 3 exercises build the aura and increase circulation. The Standing Torso Rotations and Twists balance the aura and sexual energy. The next 7 exercises stimulate the pranic functions and loosen the spine. This kriya rebalances the entire auric circulation and takes you into a deep meditation that gives you a sense of security and activates your self-healing capacities.
Torso Rotations
Posture: Stand up and raise the arms straight up over the head with the hands interlocked and the first finger pointing straight.
Movement: Begin bending slightly back and then forward, pivoting from the second vertebrae. You will feel the pressure on your calves if you are balanced.

Continue for 1 minute 30 seconds – 3 minutes.
Forward Bend
Posture: Still standing, bend forward at a 45-degree angle and let the arms extend out to the sides with the fingers stretched apart.
Breath: Hold with long, deep breathing.

Continue for 1 minute 30 seconds – 3 minutes.
Standing Torso Tilts
Posture: Stand up and raise the arms straight up over the head with the hands interlocked and the first finger pointing straight.
Movement: Bend to the right side and hold for 1 minute 30 seconds – 3 minutes. In the same position, bend to the left side and hold for 1 minute 30 seconds – 3 minutes.

3 – 6 minutes total.
Standing Torso Rotations
Posture and Movement: In the same position, begin rotating the torso clockwise to the right, in a complete circle, within the range of motion as described in the previous exercise.

Continue the motion for 1 minute 30 seconds – 3 minutes. Repeat the exercise rotating to the left counter-clockwise for 1 minute 30 seconds – 3 minutes.
Torso Twists
Posture & Movement: Stand with the legs about 18 inches apart and the arms parallel to the ground, palms down. Twist from side to side, inhaling to the left and exhaling to the right.

Continue for 2 minutes 30 seconds – 5 minutes.
Posture: In the same position, raise the arms up to 60 degrees, with the hands in Gyan Mudra.
Movement: Begin alternately bending the knees and standing up straight. Do not squat completely to the ground.

Continue for 1 minute 30 seconds – 3 minutes.
Squats – Heels Touching
Posture, Movement, & Mantra: Now bring the heels together and continue the same motion, chanting Sa as you go down, Ta as you come up, Na as you go down, and Ma as you come up.

Continue for 1 minute 30 seconds – 3 minutes.
Triangle Pose – Leg Raised
Posture & Breath: Come onto your hands and feet, straightening your legs into Triangle Pose. Raise the left leg up. Hold this position with long, deep breathing. Continue for 1 – 2 minutes. Then switch legs and hold the position with the right leg up with long, deep breathing. Continue for 1 – 2 minutes.
Remain in Triangle Pose and raise the left leg once again. Hold this position with long, deep breathing. Continue for 1 – 2 minutes.
Switch legs and hold the position with the right leg up again, with long, deep breathing. Continue for 1 – 2 minutes.

4 – 8 minutes total.
Triangle Pose - Kicking
Posture: In the same position, raise the left leg and begin kicking the buttocks with the raised leg. Continue for 1 minute.
Switch legs and continue kicking the buttocks with the right raised leg. Continue for 1 minute.

2 minutes total.
Scissor Pose
Posture & Movement: On your hands and knees, lift the lower legs up in the air and begin crisscrossing the legs in a rapid motion.

Continue for 1 minute 30 seconds – 3 minutes.
Camel Pose
Posture: Come standing on the knees, reach back for the heels, lift the chest and relax the head.
Breath: Begin long, deep breathing.

Continue for 1 minute 30 seconds – 3 minutes.
Locust Pose
Posture: Lie on the stomach. Cross the heels and place the fists under the groin. Lift the legs.

Hold for 2 minutes 30 seconds – 5 minutes. Then rest and relax for 1 minute.
Bow Pose
Posture: Still on the stomach, reach back for the ankles and lift the chest and thighs.

Hold the position for 1 minute. Then begin rocking forward and back. Continue for 1 minute.
Sufi Grind
Posture: Sit in Easy Pose, with the hands on the knees.
Movement: Begin circling the torso in complete circles in a clockwise direction. Circle 26 – 52 times. Then switch directions and circle the torso 26 – 52 times.

Circle 26 – 52 times in each direction.
Fist Grabs
Posture: Sit on the heels. Make the hands into fists with the thumbs inside.
Movement: Powerfully pull one arm back while the other arm extends forward, in a punching motion. As each arm reaches its fullest extension, the fingers open up, then close quickly, and pull back very powerfully, returning toward the body as the opposite arm extends.

Continue alternating arms for 1 minute 30 seconds – 3 minutes.
Arm Raises
Posture: Sit on the heels with the hands on the knees.
Movement: With the arms straight, begin raising the arms up and over the head, extending the arms behind you, and then return the hands to the knees.

Continue for 1 minute 30 seconds – 3 minutes.
Posture: Sit in Easy Pose.
Mudra: The hands are in Gyan Mudra, in Candelabra Pose, upper arms parallel to the ground and the forearms are lifted to 90 degrees, with the hands up above the head, palms facing forward.
Mantra: Begin chanting Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Da Nee Sa in an ascending major scale, and Sa Nee Da Pa Ma Ga Re Sa in a descending major scale.

Continue for 5 – 10 minutes.
Posture: Sit in Easy Pose. Cross the hands over the chest (just in front of the shoulders) and tuck the chin down.
Mantra: In this position, chant Gobinda Gobinda, Hari Hari.

Continue for 2 minutes 30 seconds – 5 minutes.
This kriya can be found in Kriya: Yoga Sets, Meditations, Classic Kriyas.