This kriya is based on Jaap Sahib, a prayer by Guru Gobind Singh, who was the 10th Sikh Guru. It brings sensitivity, creativity, and intuition, and has the capacity to take you beyond the pains of life.
Jaap Sahib is a prayer that describes all the facets of the Creator. Chanted in this bowing form, it may help cleanse the blood and works on the glands. It is said this kriya can keep you healthy and happy so that just by looking at you, others become happy. It can bring a sense of victory and success in life, and elevate the spirit.
The Practice
Posture: Sit on the heels in Rock Pose, with hands on thighs.
Mantra: Recitation of Guru Gobind Singh’s Jaap Sahib. (See the Music Resources page for suitable recordings.)
Rhythm with the recitation:
Bowing 4 counts, resting 1 with the music. (Consider one cycle of touching the forehead to the floor and rising as 1 count.)
Movement: Begin bowing the forehead to the floor to the Namastang rhythm:
Rhythm without the recitation:
The movement is done to 10 beats as follows: Down on 1, up on 2, down on 3, up on 4, down on 5, up on 6, down on 7, up on 8. Stay up for beats 9 and 10.
Alternative Mudra: This can also be done with the arms and hands in Yoga Mudra. The hands interlaced at the base of the spine, palms facing up. Arms would stretch up as high as possible when the forehead touches the ground.

Continue for the entire recitation of the Jaap Sahib.