The Isht Sodhana Mantra is a perfect mantra for the Earth energy. It connects the Earth and the vastness of the ether and projects it from the heart. It is done with visualization. It makes you present, calls on your highest spirit, keeps you humble and effective on your new ventures, and attracts opportunities for prosperity.
The Practice
Posture: Sit in Easy Pose, hands in Gyan Mudra.
Eyes: Eyes are open 1/10th or closed.
Mantra: Dhartee Hai, Akasha Hai, Guru Ram Das Hai. You may chant with a slow version of the recording of the Isht Sodhana Mantra. The original class recording used was by Gurucharan Singh.
Visualization: As you chant ‘Dhartee Hai’ visualize a gray earthy tone from the navel expanding on both sides down to the whole Earth and hold.
As you chant ‘Akasha Hai’ visualize from the eye brows and brow point up a vast blue sky expanding into the Ethers and hold.
As you chant ‘Guru Ram Das Hai’ visualize from the Heart Center a huge, circular, bright white light expanding out in all directions and encompassing everything in this light.

Continue for 11 or 31 minutes.