
Meditation for Absolutely Powerful Energy

Ong is the sound of the Ajna chakra, the sixth center of consciousness. This meditation is said to give you powerful energy; help remedy ‘brain drain;’ work on the eyes, ears, nose, thyroid and brain; and give you a great joy in life. It is best done when you can sleep afterwards, or when you have a hard day ahead—either way.

The Practice

Posture: Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine. Interlock all of your fingers except your Sun (ring) fingers, which are pressed together pointing upward. The right thumb locks down the left thumb. Place the mudra at diaphragm level, several inches out from the body, with the Sun fingers pointing out at a sixty-degree angle.

Eyes: Close your eyes.

Breath/Mantra: Inhale deeply and chant Ong in long form, one recitation of Ong per exhalation (approximately 15 seconds, but in a group setting, each person chants in their own breath rhythm). The sound is created through the nose; the mouth is held slightly open, but no air comes out through the mouth. The sound comes from the nose by way of the back of the upper palate. Your upper palate will vibrate. Concentrate to do it correctly.

Continue for 8 minutes.

This meditation can be found in Praana Praanee Praanayam p. 42-43