
Adi Shakti Tratakam Meditation

Tratakam is a Sanskrit word which means “to look” or “to gaze.” This meditation technique involves staring at a single point of focus. This is typically the flame of a candle, but other objects that may be used include a place on the wall, an object of worship, a deity, flower, mountain, or rising sun or moon.

You can also use the Adi Shakti symbol as the tratakam object. As you look at it you may feel that you project forward and upward, as the dimensions of the picture impact your mind and open you to the qualities of the ether.

Meditation on this symbol is said to release you from limitations in the concept and experience of the self. It is thought to open the higher chakras and impart equanimity and courage.

The Practice

Posture: Sit in easy pose with a straight spine. Apply neck lock. Place the Adi Shakti symbol directly in front at a distance of about 7 feet. Focus through the center of the symbol on to Infinity. The lighting must be bright enough to allow easy vision and dim enough to minimize distractions. Candle light is fine if it is strong enough and placed toward the sides of the picture.

Focus: Open the eyes wide. Then close the lower lids upward and the top lids downward about l/4th of the way to make “snake-eyes.” Keep the eyes fixed without blinking. Breathe in slow, deep meditative cycles.

Mantra: The ideal inner mantra for this symbol is Wahe Guru. The symbol can be black on white, or more ideally blue on an orange background.

Continue the meditation 11- 31minutes. Then inhale, close the eyes and relax.


The central sword of the Adi Shakti symbol represents the individual awareness and Kundalini energy. The circle represents the Infinite and the inner wholeness that is our nature. The two curved swords signify the boundaries of birth and death, and the protection given by right thought in the higher mind. Altogether they grant Grace and Dignity under the challenges of life. 

It is said that in an early spiritual tradition, a woman would stand on a hill dressed all in white with her arms raised upward in two 60 degree arcs, so that her arms, head, and spine formed the Adi Shakti symbol. They would meditate on that form and on the sacredness of the primal creative force of the Universe.

This meditation can be found in Guru Yoga and The Technology of the Tratakum.